Hotel-Navi ホテル 予約
Parking-Navi 駐車場ガイド
アメリカ アイルランド イギリス イタリア インドネシア オーストラリア オーストリア オランダ カナダ 韓国 ギリシャ シンガポール スペイン スイス スウェーデン タイ チェコ共和国 中国 デンマーク ドイツ トルコ ニュージーランド 日本 ノルウェー ハンガリー フランス フィンランド ベルギー ベトナム 香港 ポルトガル マカオ マレーシア 南アフリカ モナコ ルクセンブルグ ロシア

ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500750
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501750
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502700
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502800
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503750
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504150
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504300
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504700
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505150
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505700
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506100
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506450
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506900
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507100
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507550
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507750
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507900
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508000
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508100
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508450
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508550
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508800
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 509300
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510650
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510850
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 511000
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 511350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 513350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 513850
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 514000
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 514250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 514300
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Torino Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア Torino Hotel Romeは細部にまで配慮されて改装された、エレガントな建物のホテルです。近くにはサンタ・マリア・マッジョーレ教会やオペラハウスや永遠の都である古代都市ローマの中心があります。 Via Principe Amedeo, 8 Rome Discount Hotel Reservation
Torre Rossa Park Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア 当ホテルはバチカン市国近くの美しい公園にある、3つ星ホテルです。ローマの歴史の古いエリアへはわずかの距離です。客室は249室あり、快適な空間になっています。 Via di Torre Rossa 94 00165 Rome Discount Hotel Reservation
Turner Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア Turner Hotelは歴史の古いPorta Piaに近い、ローマの中心エリアに位置しています。観光名所へは地下鉄やバスでアクセスできるため、大変便利です。ホテル建物は19世紀のもので、定期的な修復工事を行ってきました。そのためモダンな設備の整った快適なホテルです。 Via Nomentana 29 00161 Rome Discount Hotel Reservation
Valadier Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア Valadier Hotelは視覚効果を意識した配置が素晴らしいポポロ広場からのびるコルソ通りとバブイーノ通りの間に位置しています。ここはローマ観光の北のポイントとして知られています。 当ホテルでは50室の客室をご用意していて、各部屋には大理石のバスルーム、セーフティボックス、キーカード、ミニバー、直通電話、ラジオ、衛星テレビなどの設備を設けています。細部にまでこだわりの見られる、暖かでエレガントな客室で、ごゆっくりお寛ぎください。 Via Della Fontanella, 15 00187 Rome Discount Hotel Reservation
Valle Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア 当ホテルは歴史の古いローマのVia Cavourにある、エレガントなホテルです。コロッセウム、サンタ・マリア・マジョーレ教会、インペリアル・フォーラム、また、有名なショッピングエリアなど、近くには市内の人気スポットがあります。客室には全て素敵な家具が置かれていて、エアコンや電話や衛星テレビなどが揃っています。 Via Cavour 134 00184 Rome Discount Hotel Reservation
Veneto Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア Veneto Romeホテルは、ローマの中でも最も優雅で有名な通りのVia Venetoに位置している3つ星ホテルです。 スペイン広場、ボルゲーゼ公園、セントラル・ステーションまではわずか数歩です。Via Venetoは、フェリーニの名作”La Dolce Vita(甘い生活)”によってローマで最も有名な通りになりました。さらにこの通りは、高級店の立ち並ぶショッピングストリートでもあります。 Via Venetoを通ってアメリカ大使館を通り越して歩いていくと、トレヴィの泉にたどり着きます。ここは映画史 Via Piemonte 63 Rome 00187 Discount Hotel Reservation
Victoria Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア Victoria Hotel Romeはローマの歴史の深いエリアに位置していて、近くにはボルゲーゼ公園やヴェネト通りがあります。当ホテルでは20世紀初期のスタイルのお部屋を113室ご用意していて、最新式のモダンで快適な設備が備わっています。最新式のテクノロジーの揃った快適な空間をお届けしています。 ホテル内のレストランでは地方料理を含め伝統的なイタリア料理をご用意していて、バラエティー豊かな優れたお料理をお楽しみいただけます。ホテルの屋上にある庭園からはアウレリアヌスの壁のパノラマビューを眺めることが Via Campania 41 300187 Rome Discount Hotel Reservation
Villa Florence Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア 当ホテルはNomentana中心の緑豊かなところにあります。かつてのプリンス・ヴィテッレスキの邸宅で、昔の良さを残しつつ面々的に改装されています。ローマ中心やヴェネトなどからは徒歩でわずかの距離です。 客室は34室あり、快適で贅沢なサービスが揃っています。魅力的でプライベートな時間がお楽しみいただける、美しい田園風のホテルです。 Via Nomentana 28 00161 Roma Discount Hotel Reservation
Villa Glori Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア Villa Glori Hotel Romeはテベレ川の川沿いにあります。Piazza del Popoloへは数分で、市内の重要ポイントへもアクセスしやすくたいへん便利です。 Via B Cementano, 11 00196 Rome Discount Hotel Reservation
Viminale Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア Viminale Hotel Romeはローマでも最も歴史の古い考古学地域にあります。近くにはSanta Maria Maggiore Basilica、コロッセウム、Fori Imperialiがあります。ホテルは楽しげで快適な雰囲気で、素敵な家具やアート作品が置かれています。屋上の庭園からは歴史の古いローマ市内中心が眺められ、きっと忘れがたい滞在になることでしょう。 Via Cesare Balbo, 31 00184 Rome Discount Hotel Reservation
Visconti Palace Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア 当ホテルはローマ観光には格好のロケーションにある有名なホテルです。広々としたアメリカンバーからは素敵なパティオを見下ろすことができます。当ホテルはバチカン市に隣接した住宅エリアのPratiに位置していて、ポポロ広場やスペイン広場やCastel Streetへは徒歩でアクセスできます。公共エリアや客室にはエアコンと防音設備が整っているため、ゆったりと休息した滞在をお約束いたします。当ホテルはレジャーやビジネスでのご利用の最適なホテルです。 客室は全部で247室をご用意しています。 Via Federico Cesi 37 00193 Rome Discount Hotel Reservation
Waldorf Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア 当ホテルはバチカン市の教会の裏手に位置していて、セントポール広場からはわずかの距離です。Piazza del PopoloやTrinita dei Montiの階段、Green Lung of Rome、Villa Borghese garden、Borghese Galleryといった、人気スポットへはわずかの距離です。 客室は110室あり、必要に応じたアメニティがそろっています。ホテル内のレストランではバラエティー豊かなメニューをご用意しており、ロビーバーでは食前酒を楽しんだり、食後にリラックスし Via Andrea Alciato 14/16 - 00167 Roma Discount Hotel Reservation
Windrose Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア 当ホテルはローマの主要駅の近くという便利なロケーションにあります。周りにはサンタマリア・デリ・アンジェリ教会やポール大学があります。市内中心へは徒歩で容易にアクセスできます。客室は52室あり、クリーム色と青色の明るい雰囲気です。エアコンや電話や室内セーフティーボックスなどの設備も揃っています。 朝食ルームでは朝食がお楽しみいただけ、庭園ではリラックスしておくつろぎいただけます。さらには15名まで収容できる会議設備も備わっています。 Via Gaeta 39-41, Roma 00187 Discount Hotel Reservation
Zara Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア Zara Hotelはローマ中心にあるアンティークな建物のホテルです。Via Nazionaleはすぐ近くです。テルミニ駅やバス停に近いためたいへん便利で、コロシアムやパンテオンやスペイン階段やPiazza Repubblicaや有名なオペラ座、そしてローマらしい数々の建築物に容易にアクセスできます。 お部屋はモダンな雰囲気で、柔らかなパステル調で内装されていて、リラックスできる環境です。朝食ルームは伝統的な様式のエレガントなインテリアで、美味しい朝食がお楽しみいただけます。 Via Quattro Fontane 37, Rome 00184 Discount Hotel Reservation
Zone Hotel Rome ローマ イタリア Zone Hotel はローマ散策の絶好の拠点となることでしょう。このホテルでは54室の快適な客室をご用意していて、ホテル内にはアメリカン・バー、朝食ルーム、ミーティングルームも備わっています。 Via Alfredo Fusco 118 00136 Rome Discount Hotel Reservation
Villa Grancassa Hotel San Donato Val di Comino ローマ地方 イタリア The Villa Grancassa Hotel San Donato Val di Comino は、イタリア、ローマ郊外にあります。このエレガントで豪華なホテルは、楽しい休暇をすごされる場所として理想的であるといえます。さまざまな観光スポットに近く、滞在のお客様には、快適でアクティブな家族旅行を満喫していただけます。 当ホテルの客室は広々としており、各種設備を整え、スタッフが最高のサービスを提供しております。 ホテル内のレストランでは、大変美味な伝統料理をご賞味いただけます。 Via Roma 8 3046 San Donato Val di Comino Frosinone Discount Hotel Reservation
Villa Conte Riccardi Rocca d'Arazzo ワインルート イタリア ヴィッラ・コンテ・リッカルディ ・ロッカはアスティから7km離れた丘の上に位置してます。ホテルはナポレオン時代邸宅を改築しており趣のある建物です。全32室の素敵なお部屋にはバスルーム、電話、テレビが備えられており、また新築のプールやテニスコートがあります。 モンフェラートでの素敵なひと時をお楽しみください。 Via Al Monte 7 Rocca D'Arazzo - Asti Discount Hotel Reservation
Cama Park Plaza Ahmedabad アーメダバード インド Cama Park Plaza is located close to the Sabarmati River in the city of Gujarat. With impeccable and personalized service, the hotel ensures that your every need is taken care of. It is 11 kilometres from the airport and 3 kilometres away from the railway Khanpur Road Ahmedabad Gujarat Discount Hotel Reservation
Comfort Inn Sunset Hotel Ahmedabad アーメダバード インド The Comfort Inn Sunset Hotel Ahmedabad is situated right at the Airport Meadow, 6 kilometres from the city centre. The city is famous for its textile industry and its part in the Indian independance movement. Very conveniently located, this airport hotel Airport Circle, Hansol Ahmedabad 382475 Discount Hotel Reservation
Fortune Landmark Hotel Ahmedabad アーメダバード インド The Fortune Landmark Hotel Ahmedabad is situated in Ahmedabad, the commercial capital of Gujarat. The hotel is the best landmark in town, centrally located and offering first class services and facilities. This hotel offers large and well-appointed 96 roo Ashram Road, Ahmedabad - 380013, Gujarat Discount Hotel Reservation
Le Meridien Ahmedabad アーメダバード インド Located at the confluence of the historic Old City and bustling commercial district, Le Meridien Ahmedabad enjoys a panoramic view of the Sabarmati River. Ideal for business and leisure travellers, this boutique hotel is 10 minutes from the shaking Minare Near Nehru Bridge Ahmedabad 380 001 Gujarat Discount Hotel Reservation
Royal Highness Ahmedabad アーメダバード インド Royal Highness Ahmedabad is located in the hub of the city and is close to main business area and market. It is just 4 kilometres away from the railway station and 11 kilometres from airport. Royal Highness offers 47 rooms that are equipped with modern am Lal Darwaja Ahmedabad - 380001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Residency Ummed Ahmedabad アーメダバード インド Conveniently located, Taj Residency Ummed is only a few minutes away from Ahmedabad’s international and domestic airports as well as 15 minute drive from the central business district and Gandhinagar. A combination of colourful tribal hamlets, holy places International Airport Circle Hansol, Ahmedabad Gujarat, India Discount Hotel Reservation
Park Andhra Pradesh Hotel アーンドラ・プラデーシュ - ヴィシャカパトナム インド Park Andhra Pradesh Hotel is located 4 kilometres from the city centre of Vishakapatnam. The railway station is 5 kilometres away and the airport, 17 kilometres. The hotel consists of 61 guests rooms that are modern in nature and provide all comforts. You Beach Road Vishakapatnam Andhra Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Ambassador Ajanta Hotel Aurangabad アウランガバード インド Surrounded by 14 acres of lush green lawns, Ambassador Ajanta Hotel Aurangabad is just 3.5 kilometres from the airport. Nearby tourist attractions include the famous Ajanta and Ellora Caves, Bibi-ka-Maqbara, Panchakki and Shirdi Saibaba Temples. The pal Cidco, Jalna Road Aurangabad Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel President Park Aurangabad アウランガバード インド Located in the city of Aurangabad, the Hotel President Park is sprawled over an area of lush greenery. Situated 4 kilometres from the airport, the property offers superb hospitality to its guests. Places of interest include the Bibi-Ka-Maqbara, Pan Chakki R-7/2, Chikalthana Airport Road, Aurangabad Maharashtra, India Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Residency Hotel Aurangabad アウランガバード インド Taj Residency Hotel Aurangabad is conveniently located 9 kilometres from the airport and 4 kilometres from the city centre. The hotel is a gateway to the World Heritage Sites of Ellora and Ajanta Caves. This palace-styled hotel offers spacious comfort and 8N-12, CIDCO Aurangabad Maharashtra Discount Hotel Reservation
WelcomHotel Rama International Aurangabad アウランガバード インド Luxuriously sprawled over 14 acres of lush gardens; WelcomHotel Rama International is set amidst a quiet residential district of Chikalthana, in Aurangabad. All the tastefully furnished and well-appointed guest rooms of the hotel overlook the green expans R-3 Chikalthana, Aurangabad 431 210 Maharashtra Discount Hotel Reservation
Ashok Hotel Agra アグラ インド If you want to spend a holiday in a hotel that has a great ambience and provides excellent facilities, then Ashok Hotel Agra is the ideal hotel for you, because it not only provides well-furnished rooms with all modern comforts but also ensures that the g 6B Mall Road, Agra 282001, Uttar Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Clarks Shiraz Hotel Agra アグラ インド The Clarks Shiraz Hotel Agra is a beautiful building set within lush lawns and fountains, a mere 2 kilometres from the splendid Taj Mahal. For more than three decades, Clarks Shiraz has been home to a number of visiting dignitaries, distinguished guests a 54, Taj Road Agra 282 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Holiday Inn Agra アグラ インド Centrally located, the Holiday Inn Agra is just 20 minutes drive from the airport and the railway station. The Inn boasts 148 cosy rooms and suites that are tastefully decorated to make you feel relaxed and comfortable. You can enjoy a drink at the bar an Sanjay Place, Hariparwat Chowk M G Road, Airport Agra Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Amar Agra アグラ インド Situated close to the major transportation links, Hotel Amar Agra is just a kilometre from the world-renowned Taj Mahal, a symbol of synchronized symphony of love and purity of nature. The hotel boasts 68 air-conditioned luxurious rooms that are designed Tourist Complex Area Fatehabad Road, Agra Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Amar Vilas Agra アグラ インド 当ホテルはタージマハルからたったの600mのところに位置しています。客室は106室あり、全てのお部屋からその素晴らしい建物を見ることができます。ハンディキャップの方にご利用いただける特別室も設けており、プロによるアーユルベーダ・セラピーが体験できるスパもあります。 広く青々と植物が茂るMughal庭園、芝生、噴水、パビリオン、娯楽用プールなど、クラシックなホテルの建築を際立たせています。 当ホテルにご宿泊の際には廊下からタージマハルの素晴らしい景色がご覧いただけ、贅沢なお部屋でお過ごしいただけます Taj Eastgate Road Taj Nagri Scheme Agra 282001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Howard Park Plaza International Hotel Agra アグラ インド Centrally located, Howard Park Plaza International Hotel Agra is only 2 kilometres from the Taj Mahal monument. The hotel offers 82 comfortable rooms equipped with numerous modern amenities such as television, air conditioner and en suite bathroom. The i Fatehabad Road, Taj Ganj Agra, Uttar Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Jaypee Palace Hotel Agra アグラ インド Located in the main tourist district of Agra, Jaypee Palace Hotel is a subtle blend of Mughal Architectural brilliance and modern amenities. With sprawling 25 acres of landscaped gardens, tree lined walkways and dancing fountains, Jaypee Palace truly exud Fatehabad Road 282 003 Agra Discount Hotel Reservation
Mansingh Palace Agra アグラ インド Mansingh Palace Agra is located in the heart of the city, which was once the renowned Mughal capital. Nearby tourist attractions include the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort tomb of Akbar at Sikandra, the Mausoleum of Itma-ud-Daulah, the Massive Agra fort and Fatehpu Fatehabad Road Agra - 282001 Uttar Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Mughal Sheraton Hotel Agra アグラ インド Situated close to the city centre, the Mughal Sheraton Hotel Agra is on 35 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens and close to the Taj Mahal. Guests can plan a trip to Mathura, Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, Dayal Bagh and the famous monument, Taj Mahal. The Taj Ganj, Agra 282 001 Uttar Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj View Hotel Agra アグラ インド The Taj View Hotel is conveniently located just 10 kilometres from the airport in Agra. Situated within a kilometre from the Taj Mahal, the world-renowned monument of love, the hotel has gracious interiors and offers the Taj’s inimitable style for a memor Fatehabad Road Taj Ganj Agra 282001 Uttar Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Mansingh Palace Ajmer アジメール インド The Mansingh Palace is located in the city of Ajmer, which is known as an oasis of religious sancity. Places of interest include the Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra, a pillared mosque of red sandstone, the 12th century artificial lake, Ana Sagar, the Jain Temple and Vaishali Nagar, Ajmer Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Connaught House Mount Abu アブー山 インド Centrally located, the Connaught House Mount Abu is a charming English cottage, set in shady gardens, within walking distance from the town of Mount Abu and the famous Nakki Lake. This property features a total of 14 guest rooms, which are furnished with Mount Abu Rajasthan -307501 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Ranjit Svaasa Amritsar アムリツァル インド Hotel Ranjit Svaasa, a 250-year-old Nanak Shahi haveli of Rai Bahadur Rattan Chand’s lineage nestles on almost an acre, on the prestigious Mall Road in Amritsar. Hotel Ranjit is the first and only holistic spa resort in Amritsar, the City of the Golden Te 47-A The Mall Amritsar-143001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ritz Plaza Hotel Amritsar アムリツァル インド The Ritz Plaza Hotel is located in the city of Amritsar, well known for Golden Temple, which is the most sacred Gurudwara-shrine of the Sikhs and the tank called “the pool of immortality”. Situated within easy access from the railway station and the inter 45 The Mall Amritsar Punjab Discount Hotel Reservation
Punnamada Backwater Resort Allepey アレッピー インド Surrounded with an amazing view of endless backwaters and coconut lagoons, the Punnamada Back Water Resort is located in the city of Allepey, a small town in Kerala known as Venice of the East. This wonderful and luxurious resort is a true copy of Kerala' Punnamada 688006 Alleppey 12, Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Planet Indore インドール インド Situated right in the heart of the prime commercial district of Indore, the Hotel President Planet is surrounded by history, heritage and culture. Providing a business environment, the property offers several facilities that will enable you to conduct you 3, R.N.T. Marg Indore Madhya Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Aodhi Hotel Udaipur (The) ウダイプール インド Built along the rugged mountainside near the medieval fort-city of Kumbhalgarh, The Aodhi Hotel Udaipur is a royal retreat. Kumbhalgarh fort is set amid massive ramparts and surrounded by hundreds of temples, is the creation of one of Mewar's legendary he Kumbhalgarh, P.O. Kelwara Dist. Rajsamand - 313 325 Discount Hotel Reservation
Devi Garh Resort Udaipur ウダイプール インド Nestled in the Aravali hills of Rajasthan, Devi Garh Resort is set in the village of Delwara and commands one the three main passes into the valley of Udaipur. Surrounded by lush green fields and mountains on three sides, the property is close to the temp Devi Garh. Village Delwara Tehsil Nathdwara District Rajsamand Udaipur - 313001 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Fateh Prakash Palace Udaipur ウダイプール インド With distinctive turrets and majestic domes, the Fateh Prakash Palace is a Grand Heritage Palace built along the shores of Lake Pichola. Its serene premises and picturesque views of Lake Pichola, Jagmandir Island Palace, Lake Palace and the Sajjangarh For City Palace, Udaipur, Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Grand Laxmi Vilas Palace Udaipur ウダイプール インド The magnificent Grand Laxmi Vilas Palace Udaipur, initially built as a royal guesthouse, is today a modern hotel that has been host to a number of foreign and national dignitaries. Located 4 kilometres from the city centre, the hotel is built close to Fat Opp. Fateh Sagar Lake Udaipur 313004 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Heritage Resorts Udaipur ウダイプール インド Located in Udaipur, the Heritage Resort is a nature lover's delight with its beautiful landscape and interior design, all set to give guests the most comprehensive environmental experience. The resort comprises of comfortable guest rooms that overlook the Lake Begala, Nagda Eklingji, Udaipur Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Sarovar Udaipur ウダイプール インド Situated at the Pichola Lake side, the Hotel Sarovar Udaipur is set in a tranquil spot, close to main city attractions. The hotel is a combination of traditional style and hospitality, yet provides most modern comforts and facilities. From the cool comfor Pichola Lake, Hanumanghat Outside Chandpol, Udaipur Rajasthan 313001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Jaiwana Haveli Udaipur ウダイプール インド Located on the banks of the Lake Pichola, Jaiwana Haveli Udaipur provides some of the most breathtaking views of the lake. Combining the best of modern facilities with the great Rajput traditions, the hotel offers 24 air-conditioned guest rooms that are e 14, Lalghat Udaipur 313001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Lake Pichola Hotel Udaipur ウダイプール インド Overlooking the magnificent City Palace, the Lake Pichola Hotel Udaipur is a legendary palace standing on a peaceful Bramhapuri island. Situated opposite to the West Zone Culture Centre of India, the hotel is within walking distance from the City Palace, Outside Chandpole Udaipur, Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Oberoi Udaivilas Resort Udaipur ウダイプール インド Located on the banks of Lake Pichola in Udaipur, The Oberoi Udaivilas Resort is only 4 kilometres from the city centre. Udaipur, also called the City of Dawn is surrounded by the ancient Arravali Mountains and is set on the edge of three lakes. Crystal Ga Haridasji Ki Magri, Udaipur Rajasthan- 313 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Quality Inn Vishnupriya Udaipur ウダイプール インド The Quality Inn Vishnupriya Udaipur is located in the heart of the city and is 22 kilometres from the airport. Opposite to the hotel is Gulab Bagh and also nearby is the City Palace Museum. The Quality Inn Vishnupriya, offers fully air conditioned rooms t 9, Garden Road Near Gulab Bagh 313001 Udaipur Discount Hotel Reservation
Rajdarshan Hotel Udaipur ウダイプール インド Rajdarshan Hotel Udaipur is located a convenient one kilometre from the city centre and railway station. Hotel Udaipur has all of the amenities, facilities and levels of comfort a traveller would expect. It maintains well-appointed guest rooms and offers 18, Panna Dhai Marg Udaipur, 313 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Shikarbadi Hotel Udaipur ウダイプール インド The Shikarbadi Hotel Udaipur nestles on the foothills of the Aravalli mountain range that provides a picturesque backdrop to this sanctuary-resort. Shikarbadi was formerly one of the hunting lodges of the Royal Family of Mewar and still continues to prese Goverdhan Vilas Udaipur - 313 001 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Shiv Niwas Palace Udaipur ウダイプール インド Shiv Niwas Palace Udaipur, an erstwhile royal residence is a majestic crescent shaped building located on the southern end of the City Palace Complex. The hotel provides spectacular views of Lake Pichola and the white city of Udaipur. With all these comfo City Palace, Udaipur Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Lake Palace Hotel Udaipur ウダイプール インド Located 5 kilometres from the city centre, Taj Lake Palace Hotel Udaipur is only 3 kilometres from the railway station. Set amid awe-inspiring fairytale gardens, this 250-year old palace may be the most romantic hotel in the world. Guests can indulge in v Pichola Lake Udaipur - 313 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ananda In The Himalayas Spa Resort Uttaranchal Tehri Garhwal ウタランチャ‐ル‐テリガルワル インド Swirled in the sacred mists of time and nestled in the Himalayas, Ananda, a world-class spa resort, is situated 260 kilometres north of New Delhi, in the state of Uttaranchal. Previously, the residence of Maharaja of Tehri-Garhwal, the Ananda Resort is de The Palace Estate Narendra Nagar Tehri - Garhwal Uttaranchal - 249175 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Sinclairs Ooty Tamilnadu オーティ インド Hotel Sinclairs is situated just outside the town of Ooty, providing a relaxed and quiet atmosphere and yet is close enough to the town. Kissing the clouds at 8000 feet, the hotel is located at the very spot where the Queen of Nilgiris was discovered. Hot Gorishola Road Ootacamund ? 643001 Tamilnadu Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Savoy Ooty Hotel Tamil Nadu Udhagamandalam オーティ インド Ensconced high on a rising hill, the Taj Savoy Hotel Ooty sprawls over six acres of landscaped gardens, offering colonial style cottages that were built between 1829-1865. Colorful flowerbeds merge to form a multi-coloured quilt around the cottages, addin 77, Sylks Road Ooty 643001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Clarks Khajuraho カジュラホ インド Situated in the lush green gardens, the Clarks Hotel Khajuraho is set on the banks of River Khuddar and is 10 minutes drive from the 9th Century Khajuraho Temples. The hotel offers well-appointed guest rooms that are tastefully decorated and overlook the Bamitha Marg, Airport Road Khajuraho Village, Khajuraho Madhya Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Holiday Inn Khajuraho カジュラホ インド The Holiday Inn is located in the city of Khajuraho, which is a fascinating town with a scenic rural ambience and a rich cultural heritage. The property is 1.5 kilometres from the city centre and 3 kilometres from the airport. Local attractions include th Airport Road Khajuraho Madhya Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Jass Hotel Khajuraho カジュラホ インド Jass Hotel Khajuraho is centrally located, 2 kilometres from the airport and 500 metres from the downtown area. All 94-guest rooms of the hotel are comfortable and equipped with a host of modern amenities. Guests can dine at the on-site multi-cuisine rest Bypass road Khajuraho 471 606 Madhya Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Chandela Hotel Khajuraho カジュラホ インド A haven of peace and tranquillity, Taj Chandela Hotel Khajuraho offers easy access to the world famous Khajuraho Temples and Panna National Park Tiger Reserve. Set amidst 11 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens, the hotel offers an array of modern comf District Chhatarpur Khajuraho - 471 606 Madhya Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
King's Court Hotel Mysore カルナタカ - マイソール インド Situated along J.L.B. Road, King's Court Hotel Mysore is close to the railway station and the Mysore Palace. The hotel offers a total of 56 centrally air-conditioned guest rooms that are furnished with a host of amenities. For food and beverages, Kings Jhansi Lakshmi Bai Road Mysore Discount Hotel Reservation
Lalitha Mahal Palace Karnataka Hotel Mysore カルナタカ - マイソール インド Situated on a low hill, just outside the royal city of Mysore, the Lalitha Mahal Palace Karnataka Hotel is a splendid Italianate palazzo, set in sprawling terraced and landscaped gardens. Placed on a ridge commanding panoramic view of the gently sloping a Mysore 57011, Karnataka, India Discount Hotel Reservation
Quality Inn Southern Star Karnataka Hotel Mysore カルナタカ - マイソール インド Centrally positioned, the Quality Inn Southern Star Karnataka Hotel is located on Vinoba Road in the heart of the royal garden city of sightseeing spots both historical and scenic. Situated 5 minutes from the train station, the property is a sprawling com 13-14 Vinobha Road Mysore, Karnataka Discount Hotel Reservation
Ramanshree Comforts Mysore カルナタカ - マイソール インド Located near the Hardinge circle, the Ramanshree Comforts is situated in city of Mysore, which has a rich cultural background and is at a walking distance from the famous Mysore Palace. During leisure, guests can visit tourist spots such as Jayachamarajen L-43/A B.N. Road Near Hardinge Circle Mysore 570001 Karnataka Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Tashi Delek Gangtok ガントク インド Hotel Tashi Delek Gangtok is centrally located on the main road of the town, within walking distance of the bus and taxi stands. The hotel has been continuously refurbished to maintain the high level of comfort and facilities its guests have come to expec MG Marg Gangtok 737 101 Sikkim, India Discount Hotel Reservation
Usha Kiran Palace Gwalior グワリオル インド Set amidst 9 acres of beautifully landscaped lawns, Usha Kiran Palace Gwalior is located 14 kilometres from the airport and 3 kilometres from the railway station. Outfitted with artistic stone carvings and delicate filigree work, this 120-year-old, regal Jayendraganj Lashkar Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 474 009 Discount Hotel Reservation
Backwater Retreat - The Theme House Kumarakom ケララ - クマラコム インド The Backwater Retreat Kottayam has an unblemished track record of more than quarter of a century in hosting thousands of people from different parts of the world. The world-renowned backwaters of Kumarakom are a splendid synthesis of sparkling rivers blen Kumarakom Kottayam 686004 Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Kumarakom Lake Resort Kerala ケララ - クマラコム インド The Kumarakom Lake Resort is nestled on the banks of Vembanad Lake, surrounded by 25 acres of lush greenery. It is a picturesque world of backwaters, thatched houseboats, mangrove forests, emerald green paddy fields, Chinese fishing nets, coconut groves a Kumarakom North Kottayam 686 566 Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Fortune Calicut Hotel Kozhikode ケララ - コジコーデ(カリカット) インド Close to the shopping Malls and the commercial centers, nestles the aesthetically designed, tastefully decorated Fortune Hotel Calicut. This hotel has 63 well-appointed and aesthetically designed rooms and suites with highly personalized service and facil Kannur Road, Calicut: 673 006, Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Residency Calicut Hotel Kozhikode ケララ - コジコーデ(カリカット) インド Set amidst groves of green coconut palms and five acres of lush greenery, Taj Residency is a haven of modern comforts and impeccable amenities. This beautiful hotel is just minutes from the fragrant Spice Market, and close to the city's bustling and energ P.T. Usha Road Calicut - 673 002 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Lake Village Kottayam ケララ - コッターヤム インド The Hotel Lake Village Kottayam is a perfect hideaway to live in harmony with nature. The Lake Village is an inspiring reproduction of Kerala’s heritage, characterized by silent backwaters, meandering canals, herbal gardens, Ayurveda health centres. The r Kodimatha, Kottayam Kottayam, Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Windsor Castle Kottayam ケララ - コッターヤム インド Hotel Windsor Castle Kottayam is located in Kodimatha, in Kottayam town, 2 kilometres from the railway station. The hotel is beautifully endowed with lovely palm fringed waterways, which is also the gateway of backwaters rippling all the way to the small Kodimatha Kottayam Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Bambolim Beach Resort Goa ゴァ インド Set in beautiful lush tropical surroundings, the Bambolim Beach Resort is situated right on the beach. Located close to the main sightseeing places, the property is an ideal base for those who wish to explore the city. The resort has comfortable and well- Nunes Beach Properties Bambolim Goa Discount Hotel Reservation
Bogmalo Beach Park Plaza Goa ゴァ インド Nestled on a beautiful white sandy beach, the Bogmalo Beach Park Plaza is the only hotel in Goa that offers a panoramic view of the beach and sea. Aptly located on a secluded beach, the swaying palms and whispering waves make the hotel a perfect setting t Bogmalo Beach Goa Discount Hotel Reservation
Cidade de Goa ゴァ インド Located at the Vainguinim Beach, the Cidade de hotel is close to Panjim and the International Pilgrimage Centre of Old Goa. During leisure, you can indulge in various water sport activities such as water skiing, jet skiing, windsurfing and several others. Vainguinim Beach Goa Discount Hotel Reservation
Club Mahindra Varca Beach Resort Goa ゴァ インド The Club Mahindra Varca Beach Resort Goa is built in Goan architectural style. The resort is a haven for luxury lovers with its exquisite decor, luxurious comforts and breathtaking views of the sea. The resort offers 103 air-conditioned guest rooms and su Survey No 176/1, Varca Village Salcete Taluka Goa - 403 601 Discount Hotel Reservation
Coconut Grove Goa ゴァ インド Set among swaying palms in the quiet village of Betalbatim, South Goa, the Coconut Grove is only 250 metres from the beach. The Coconut Grove is one place, where the nature and architecture in Goa have joined hands and produced a symbiosis Goa that makes Ranwaddo Betalbatim beach Betalbatim, Salcette Goa Discount Hotel Reservation
Galaxy Beach Resort Goa ゴァ インド The Galaxy Beach Resort Goa is situated 8 kilometres from the airport and is very close to the Madgoan Railway Station and the casino. The resort has comfortable and well-furnished guestrooms, equipped with modern amenities. You can enjoy a drink at the b Utordo Beach Salcette, Goa Discount Hotel Reservation
Highland Beach Resort Goa ゴァ インド Highland Beach Resort Goa is located 6 minutes from the golden sands of Candolim Beach and is 15 minutes drive from the Capital City of Panji. Tastefully furnished and well appointed, the resorts 180 suites have private sit-out balconies. Guests are offer Sequeira Vaddo Candolim Beach Bardez, Goa Discount Hotel Reservation
Holiday Inn Resort Goa ゴァ インド The Holiday Inn Resort Goa is located on the western shores of India along the Arabian Sea. Built in traditional grandeur and with majestic architecture, the entire property is spread over 26 acres of tropical lush green landscaped gardens. During leisure Mobor Beach Cavelossim, Salcete Goa Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Kenilworth Beach Resort Goa ゴァ インド The splendid Kenilworth Beach Resort Goa is located just 15 minutes from Margao railway station as well as the downtown area. Dabolim Airport lies 20 minutes away. All rooms at the resort are centrally air-conditioned, with private balconies having a sple Utardo, PO Majorda Salcete 403713 Goa Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Park Hyatt Goa ゴァ インド Set on 45 acres of lush beachfront gardens, Hotel Park Hyatt and Spa is located in the idyllic area of South Goa, just a 15-minute drive from Dabolim Airport. Featuring a unique village concept, Park Hyatt Resort creates the magic of a luxury boutique hot Arossim Beach, Consaulim Beach Goa 403712 Discount Hotel Reservation
Leela Hotel Goa ゴァ インド Tucked in the southern tip of Goa, Leela Hotel is situated close to the Arabian Sea and is bordered by the River Sal. The Leela Palace, Goa is an idyllic 75 acre resort, where guests can indulge in the luxurious comforts of the perfect get-away. All the 1 Mobor Goa - 403 731 Discount Hotel Reservation
Majorda Beach Resort Goa ゴァ インド Welcome to Majorda Beach Resort, situated on a long stretch of soft white sand in South Goa. It is just 15 minutes from the international airport and 10 minutes from the train station. Majorda Beach Resort offers 120 spacious rooms spread over 22 acres of Majorda, Salcette Goa 403713 Discount Hotel Reservation
Marriott Goa Resort ゴァ インド Located on Miramar Beach facing the Arabian Sea, Marriott Goa Resort is close to the capital city of Panaji. The Old Goa with its history and cultural heritage is designed to meet the demands of both the business and leisure travellers. Top attractions in Miramar Beach, Panjin Goa 403001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Nanu Resort Goa ゴァ インド Nanu Resort Goa is situated on a sun-drenched beach of Betalbatim, 7 kilometres from Margao, the commercial centre of Goa. A luxurious beach paradise with a Goan ambience, the resort offers beautiful cottage style accommodation, designed by blending the G Betalbatim Beach Margao Goa 403713 Discount Hotel Reservation
Nizmar Resort Goa ゴァ インド Nizmar Resort Goa is located just 500 meters from Calangute Beach. Guests can experience the true essence of Goa and feel at home at the 104 air-conditioned and beautifully decorated suites equipped with numerous amenities. The onsite restaurant serves Naikavaddo, Calangute Bardez Calangute- Goa Discount Hotel Reservation
Phoenix Park Inn Resort ゴァ インド Located on the ever-popular Candolim/Calangute beach stretch, Phoenix Park Inn resort is a part of the famous Sarovar Park Plaza Resort. The resort is located 3 kilometres from the city centre and is well known for its hospitality and good service among i Sequera Vado Candolim Goa-403 515 Discount Hotel Reservation
Radisson White Sands Resort Goa ゴァ インド Situated on pristine Varca beach, one of the world's longest beaches, the Radisson White Sands Resort Goa offers warm hospitality and topnotch services. Centrally located just 30 minutes from the international airport, the hotel is close to major business Pedda, Varca- Salcete Goa- 403721, India Discount Hotel Reservation
Ramada Caravela Beach Resort Goa ゴァ インド Overlooking the Arabian Sea, Ramada Caravela Beach Resort is located in the city of Goa. Visit the close by weekly marketplace and seasonal festivals that add a touch of lively celebration during your stay at the resort. All the air conditioned guest room Varca Beach Salcette Goa, 403 721 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Exotica Resort Hotel Goa ゴァ インド Located on the southwest coast of Goa, overlooking the Arabian Sea, this Mediterranean-style resort has a way of slowing down time to a tranquil tempo. Set amidst fifty-six acres of lush gardens, Taj Exotica is a showcase for relaxation with tropical-insp Benaulim Goa - 403 716 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Fort Aguada Beach Resort Hotel Goa ゴァ インド Built on the ramparts of a 16th century Portuguese fortress, Taj Fort Aguada Beach Resort Hotel Goa is part of a sprawling 88-acre complex overlooking the Arabian Sea. Goa is best known for its beaches and most important tourist attractions that are centr Sinquerim Bardez Goa - 403 519 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Holiday Village Hotel Goa ゴァ インド Set amidst acres of palm-fringed landscaped gardens, The Taj Holiday Village Goa is a 45-minute drive from the airport. Goa is best known for its beaches, most tourist attractions are centred around 4 towns namely Panaji, Margao, Vasco and Ponda. Guests c Sinquerim, Bardez Goa - 403 519 Discount Hotel Reservation
ABAD Airport Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド ABAD Airport Cochin Hotel is located at Nedumbassery, opposite to the Cochin International Airport. The property is 29 kilometres from the city and 40 kilometres from Trissur. The hotel boasts 56 centrally air-conditioned, spacious and well furnished gues Opposite Cochin International Airport Nedumbassery Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
ABAD Atrium Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド ABAD Atrium Cochin Hotel is located in downtown, close to Ernakulam Junction and Ernakulam Town Railway Station and is on a direct road to the airport. The elegantly appointed 52 guest rooms surround a central atrium with capsule lift giving the ambience M.G. Road 682035 Kochi, Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
ABAD Metro Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド Located close to the central shopping area, ABAD Metro Hotel is centrally positioned in the heart of Cochin, on M.G. Road. Situated on a direct road to the international airport, the property is near to railway and bus stations. Featuring a warm hospitali Rajaji Road Ernakulam Cochin 682035 Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
ABAD Plaza Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド ABAD Plaza Hotel is conveniently located in the heart of Cochin, on M.G. Road. The property is set in downtown, near to railway station and on a direct road to the international airport. Abad Plaza is a place where a warm hospitality lends to a welcoming M.G Road Cochin, 682035 Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Casino Hotel Cochin コチ(コーチン) インド Surrounded by lawns and palm trees, Casino Hotel Cochin enjoys a great location in the southern state of Kerala. Situated 2 kilometres from the airport and 8 kilometres from the city centre, the hotel offers its guests a wide variety of facilities combine Willingdon Island Cochin Discount Hotel Reservation
Gokulam Park Inn Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド Gokulam Park Inn Kochi is conveniently located in the city's business and prime shopping hub. Kochi is indeed the Queen of the Arabian Sea, where ancient civilization gracefully mingles with modern life. Among the places to be visited are the Kochi Harbou Opp. P.V.S. Hospital, Kaloor Cochin - 682 017 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel White Fort Cochin コチ(コーチン) インド The Hotel White Fort is situated in the city of Kochi and is close to the Maradu Junction and Ernakulam. Located 28 kilometres from the international airport, the property is 5 kilometres from the train and bus stations. Local attractions include the Trip National Highway 47 Bye Pass, Maradu Kochi, Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Le Meridien Cochin Resort & Convention Centre コチ(コーチン) インド Le Meridien Cochin Resort and Convention Centre is nestled in the sea of serenity, presenting a breathtaking view of the natural backwaters. The property is 10 minutes drive from the city's commercial centre and is within easy reach from the shopping cent Nh47 By Pass Road Kundannur Junction Kochi, Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Malabar Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド Situated on Willingdon Island with a magnificent view of Cochin harbour, Taj Malabar Cochin Hotel Kochi combines old-world elegance with modern day convenience. The hotel comprises twp wings, namely the heritage wing with its graceful Victorian interiors Willingdon Island Cochin - 682 009 Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Trident Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド The Trident Cochin Hotel Kochi is centrally located on Wellingdon Island. It is a short distance from the business district of Ernakulam and a 20-minute drive from the historic Fort Cochin. This elegant low-rise building with its traditional sloping terra Bristow Road, Wellingdon Island Kochi, 682003 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Hindusthan International Kolkata コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド Hotel Hindusthan International Kolkata is centrally located, 15 kilometres from the airport. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the train station and is a kilometre from the downtown area. All the guest rooms are spacious, comfortable and equipped with modern 235/1 A J C Bose Road Kolkata - 700 020 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hyatt Regency Kolkata コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド Hyatt Regency Kolkata is located in the emerging business district of Salt Lake City and is just a 20-minute drive from the city of Kolkata. The hotel is contemporary in design with innovative hospitality, concepts and classic standards of service and exc JA-1, Sector 3 Salt Lake City, Calcutta Discount Hotel Reservation
ITC Sonar Bangla Sheraton & Towers Hotel Kolkata (Calcutta) コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド Conveniently located close to the business centre of the city, ITC Sonar Bangla Sheraton & Towers Hotel Kolkata is 16 kilometres from the international airport. This hotel with its gracious elegance is an exclusive place, where one can experience the fine 1 JBS Haldane Avenue Opp. Science City Kolkata - 700046 Discount Hotel Reservation
Kenilworth (The) Calcutta コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド Located in the heart of Kolkata, the Kenilworth hotel is within minutes from the business centres and shopping arcades. Situated 10 minutes from the Financial Districts, the hotel boasts 105 rooms and suites that are comfortable and well furnished with th 1 and 2 Little Russel Street Kolkata Discount Hotel Reservation
Oberoi Grand Hotel Kolkata コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド Located in Chowringhee, the heart of Kolkata’s commercial district and shopping centre, Oberoi Grand Hotel Kolkata makes an impressive, luxurious and convenient base for travellers. The hotel is close to all the major convention centres, legislative offic 15, Jawaharlal Nehru Road Kolkata Discount Hotel Reservation
Park Calcutta Hotel Kolkata コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド The Park Hotel Kolkata is characterised by supreme comfort, eloquent design and delicious cuisine. A prominent city landmark, this boutique hotel, stands majestically on Park Street, the city's commercial hub and hot spot for shopping and entertainment. S 17 Park Street Calcutta 700 016 West Bengal Discount Hotel Reservation
Peerless Inn Kolkata コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド The Peerless Inn is located in Kolkata's choicest city centre and close to both shopping and business areas. The hotel is just 100 metres from the Esplanade Metro Station and 10-minute walk to Eden Gardens, New Market as well as 15-minute to the Victoria 12, Jawaharlal Nehru Road Kolkata-700 013 Discount Hotel Reservation
Asia The Dawn シムラー インド Conceived in a manner to provide you the ultimate in comfort, luxury and relaxation, Asia The Dawn is a place to discover simple yet elegant art of living. Located in Shimla, this hotel gives a grand, sweeping view of the breathtaking scenario all around. Kachi Ghati Taradevi Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Clarke's Hotel Shimla シムラー インド Clarke's Hotel Shimla is centrally located on the main promenade, close to the shopping area. The hotel has 39 rooms that are spacious, gracefully furnished and equipped with modern amenities. Guests can enjoy Indian and European cuisine at the on-site re The Mall, Shimla Himachal Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
East Bourne Resort Shimla シムラー インド The East Bourne Resort Shimla lies 3 kilometres form the main town, 5 kilometres from the railway station and 20 kilometres from the airport. Situated amidst the wilderness, this resort boasts of providing comfort with its cosy accommodations. The resorts Near Bishop Cotton School Khallini, Shimla, (Himachal Pradesh) Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Combermere Shimla シムラー インド Hotel Combermere Shimla is located in the very heart of town, at level with the city’s elegant Mall and close to the Tourism Lift. Shimla's most modern hotel, Combermere successfully combines today's amenities and comforts with the graceful ways of life t Opposite Tourism Lift The Mall, Shimla Himachal Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Oberoi Cecil Hotel Shimla シムラー インド Nestled in the foothills of the majestic Himalayas at 2,200 meters above sea level, Oberoi Cecil is a beautiful heritage hotel situated at one of Shimla's famous Mall. The main city centre and the prestigious vice regal lodge are within walking distance f Chaura Maidan, Shimla Himachal Pradesh - 171 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Woodville Palace Hotel Shimla シムラー インド Located in the heart of Shimla, Woodville Palace Hotel is barely half a mile from the main shopping centre and the Mall. Nestled in the midst of 150 evergreen deodar pine trees, this beautiful mansion surpasses all Shimla residences in grandeur, dignity a Raj Bhawan Road, Shimla Himachal Pradesh ? 171 002 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ashok Hotel Jaipur ジャイプール インド Located in the Pink City of Jaipur, Ashok Hotel provides visitors the elegance of a Rajasthani Palace-like residence along with all the comforts. Set in a lovely garden, flanking the spacious green roundabout at Bani Park, the hotel offers 97 air-conditio Jai Singh Circle Bani Park Jaipur 302016 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Bissau Palace Jaipur ジャイプール インド Bissau Palace Jaipur is located outside the walled city, just ten minutes walk from the City Palace and fifteen minutes walk from Hawa Mahal. Nestled amidst the orange, lemon and gooseberry plantations and surrounded by the Aravalli hills on all sides, th Outside Chandpole Jaipur 302016 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Chokhi Dhani Resort Jaipur ジャイプール インド The Chokhi Dhani is an ethnic village resort located on the Jaipur Tonk highway, 6 kilometres from the airport and 18 kilometres from the city centre. The resort’s lobby gives you a glimpse of ethnic richness of Rajasthan with its bamboo net ceiling and m 12 Miles, Tonk Road Via Vatika, Jaipur Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Clarks Amer Hotel Jaipur ジャイプール インド Clarks Amer Hotel Jaipur is situated in a green residential area, in the heart of the city. The Jaipur airport is just 2.5 kilometres from the hotel. The City Palace, Jantar Mantar, Hawa Mahal, Lakshmi Narayan Temple and Jaigarh Fort are some of the touri Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg Jaipur, Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Holiday Inn Jaipur ジャイプール インド Holiday Inn Jaipur is ideally located in the city, from major tourists attractions. Well known for its warm and friendly service, the hotel is built in a traditionally Rajasthani architecture, with an open courtyard concept. All guestrooms at the hotel ar Golimar Garden, Amer Road Jaipur, Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Jaipur Palace Jaipur ジャイプール インド Hotel Jaipur Palace is located along Tonk Road in the beautiful city of Jaipur, 4 kilometres from the city centre. The area is well served by public transport facilities; with the railway station and bus stand just 4 kilometres away. The airport is a mere Tonk Road, Jaipur Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Mandawa Haveli Jaipur ジャイプール インド The Mandawa Haveli Jaipur is a magnificent heritage hotel owned by the royal family of Mandawa. Built in the late 19th century, this architectural marvel with majestic and imposing exteriors, offers a warm and comfortable ambience. Conveniently located ju Sansar Chandra Road Jaipur-302001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Mansingh Hotel Jaipur ジャイプール インド The Mansingh Hotel is located in Jaipur, the vibrant capital of Rajasthan and which is popularly known as the pink city. The main tourist attractions including Jantar Mantar and the principle shopping centres such as the Johari Bazaar and jewellers' marke Sansar Chandra Road Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Discount Hotel Reservation
Narain Niwas Palace Jaipur ジャイプール インド Designed in a fanciful version of the Anglo-Indian style, the Narain Niwas Palace Jaipur is decorated with Rajput flourishing, Rajasthani furnishing and traditional Jaipur painted walls. Built in 19th century, the Narain Niwas Palace provides an exclusive Kanota Bagh Narain Singh Road Jaipur, Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Raj Palace (The) Jaipur ジャイプール インド Raj Palace (The) is situated in the beautiful city of Jaipur, also called the Pink City on account of its soft red sandstone buildings. Located only about half a kilometre from Jaipur-Agra Highway, The Raj Palace makes an ideally located tourist stopover. Chomu Haveli Outside Jorawer Singh Gate Jaipur, Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Raj Vilas Palace Jaipur ジャイプール インド Located 8 kilometres from the city centre, Raj Vilas Palace Jaipur is 24 kilometres away from the airport. All rooms are well furnished and equipped with a host of amenities such as television, telephone, mini bar and en suite bathroom. Well-equipped conf Gona Road Jaipur 303012 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Rajputana Palace Sheraton Jaipur ジャイプール インド Situated 14 kilometres from the airport, Rajputana Palace Sheraton is just a kilometre away from the city centre and the bus station. Rajputana Palace boasts a distinct architectural design reflecting the spirit of Rajasthan. The hotel offers 216 comforta Palace Road Jaipur-302 006 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Jai Mahal Palace Hotel Jaipur ジャイプール インド Set amidst 18 acres of beautifully landscaped Moghul gardens, Taj Jai Mahal Palace Hotel Jaipur is an incomparable Palace dating back to 1745 A.D. A masterpiece in the Indo Saracenic style of architecture, it blends spotlight-grabbing opulence with tantal Jacob Road, Civil Lines Jaipur - 302 006 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Rambagh Palace Hotel Jaipur ジャイプール インド Located close to the walled Pink City, spectacular forts and the unique shopping bazaars, Taj Rambagh Palace unveils the rich culture and history of the erstwhile rulers of Rajasthan. Guests relive the Rajputana Era in refined and relaxing rooms, each off Bhawani Singh Road Jaipur - 302 005 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Maya Hotel Jalandhar ジャランダール インド The Maya Hotel Jalandhar is an eco friendly, deluxe hotel located near BMC Chowk, the city's main commercial and shopping district. The hotel is just minutes away from government office, trade fair ground and is also 2 kilometres from the city railway sta Eh-178,Civil Lines Jalandhar City 144001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ajit Bhawan Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Set in the serene desert of Rajasthan, Ajit Bhawan Jodhpur stands as an oasis of hospitality and warm Rajput charm. It is located near the Circuit House, 2 kilometres from the city centre and a 10-minute drive from the airport and railway station. Made fr Jodhpur-342 006 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Best Western Ranbanka Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Best Western Ranbanka Jodhpur is centrally located in the city, overlooking Mehrangoarh Fort on one side and the Bhawan Palace on the other. The hotel was a royal abode built for Sir Ajit Singhji, the Maharajadhiraj of Jodhpur. Its wide collection of pain Circuit House Road Jodhpur Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Fortune Ummed Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Nestled in the city of Jodhpur, Fortune Ummed, is set amidst 28 acres of landscaped gardens and is constructed on the concept of a palace. The design bears true testimony to the architectural heritage of Jodhpur. Built around a spacious central courtyard, Baner Road, Jodhpur Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Rawla Narlai Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Hotel Rawla Narlai Jodhpur is situated in an ancient dwelling, at the foot of a hill, dotted with caves and temples. During leisure, you can indulge in camel and horse safari, plan hill and lake excursions, go on a rock climbing or visit Kumbhalgarh and R Narlai, Near Desuri (between Jodhpur and Udaipur) Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Krishna Prakash Heritage Haveli Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Set amidst a vast and serene desert environment, Krishna Prakash Heritage Jodhpur is a 100-year-old traditional haveli, with an imposing but delicately carved exterior and simple yet comfortable interiors. Featuring a Sylvan setting, the property stands a Nayabas, Killikhana Jodhpur 342001 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Shree Ram International Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Situated in the desert city of Jodhpur, the Shree Ram International Hotel provides guests quiet elegance in the heart of the city. A Victorian style modern building, ideally located in calm and serene surroundings, Shree Ram International comprises 50 gue Residency road Jodhpur-342001 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Hari Mahal Hotel Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Spread over six acres of lush, landscaped gardens, Taj Hari Mahal Hotel Jodhpur offers luxurious refinement. With its Marwar style architecture and Moghul-inspired domes, enamelled murals, slender columns and grand interiors, Taj Hari Mahal truly exudes a 5, Residency Road Jodhpur - 342 001 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Fortune Jenney's Residency Tiruchirapalli タミル・ナードゥ-ティルチラパッリ インド Fortune Jenney's Residency Tiruchirapalli is located just a kilometre away from the city centre. The hotel offers comfortable rooms equipped with numerous modern amenities. The onsite restaurant serves typical south Indian as well as traditional Indian de 3/4 Macdonalds Road Tiruchirapalli-620001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Carlton Hotel Kodaikanal タミルナドゥ - コダイカナル インド Spread over 4.5 acres and situated on a hillcrest, Carlton Hotel is placed in Kodaikanal, which is perhaps India's most beautiful hill station. Lush green plantations, colourful flora, fathomless valleys and bubbling waterfalls make Kodaikanal virtually a Lake Road Kodaikanal 624 101 Discount Hotel Reservation
Mount View Hotel Dalhousie ダルハウジー インド Experience the rich natural glory of Dalhousie to take in a breath of fresh mountain air, to be with deodar and pine trees and to meditate in the laps of snow capped mountains. Set amidst this scenic splendour, in six acres of sprawling gardens, Hotel Mou Club Road, Dalhousie Himachal Pardesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Sangam Tanjore タンジャヴール インド Hotel Sangam, located in the temple town of Tanjore, offers exquisite experience in hospitality. The hotel has 54 well-appointed guest rooms that have comfortably furnished aesthetic interiors. Some rooms come with a view of Sri Brahadeeswara Temple, one Trichy Road Thanjavur 613 007 Discount Hotel Reservation
Parisutham Hotel Thanjavur タンジャヴール インド Parisutham Hotel is centrally located in the heart of Thanjavur City, which is one of the most captivating tourist destinations. Once here, guests can visit the famous temples and the historical monuments, which make Thanjavur, the cultural and historical 55 G.A. Canal Road Thanjavur Tamilnadu 613 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ambassador Pallava Chennai Hotel Madras チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Located in the heart of Chennai, Ambassador Pallava is close to the business district and commercial and shopping centres. The hotel is only 2 kilometres from the railway station. Ambassador Pallava comprises of 120 comfortable deluxe rooms and suites spr 53, Montieth Road Chennai-600 008 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ambica Empire Chennai (Madras) チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Located in the downtown, Ambica Empire Chennai is within easy reach from the boat clubs, apparel shops, banking and public transportations. The interiors of the hotel are elegantly designed, representing the golden era. The 100 spacious rooms, most with b 79, Jawaharlal Nehru Salai 100 ft. Road, Vadapalani Chennai (Madras), Tamilnadu Discount Hotel Reservation
Chola Sheraton Hotel Chennai (Madras) チェンナイ(マドラス) インド The Chola Sheraton is a fine business hotel located in the heart of Chennai, 13 km from the airport and 8 km from the railway station. With shopping and commercial areas close by, the hotel is also well suited to those visiting on leisure. The hotel offe Cathedral Road Chennai - 600 086 Tamil Nadu Discount Hotel Reservation

Hotel-Navi ホテル 予約
Parking-Navi 駐車場ガイド
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