Hotel-Navi ホテル 予約
Parking-Navi 駐車場ガイド
アメリカ アイルランド イギリス イタリア インドネシア オーストラリア オーストリア オランダ カナダ 韓国 ギリシャ シンガポール スペイン スイス スウェーデン タイ チェコ共和国 中国 デンマーク ドイツ トルコ ニュージーランド 日本 ノルウェー ハンガリー フランス フィンランド ベルギー ベトナム 香港 ポルトガル マカオ マレーシア 南アフリカ モナコ ルクセンブルグ ロシア

ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500750
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501750
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502700
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502800
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503750
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504150
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504300
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504700
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505150
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505700
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506100
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506450
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506900
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507100
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507550
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507750
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507900
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508000
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508100
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508450
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508550
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508800
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 509300
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510650
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510850
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 511000
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 511350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 513350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 513850
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 514000
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 514250
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ABAD Airport Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド ABAD Airport Cochin Hotel is located at Nedumbassery, opposite to the Cochin International Airport. The property is 29 kilometres from the city and 40 kilometres from Trissur. The hotel boasts 56 centrally air-conditioned, spacious and well furnished gues Opposite Cochin International Airport Nedumbassery Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
ABAD Atrium Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド ABAD Atrium Cochin Hotel is located in downtown, close to Ernakulam Junction and Ernakulam Town Railway Station and is on a direct road to the airport. The elegantly appointed 52 guest rooms surround a central atrium with capsule lift giving the ambience M.G. Road 682035 Kochi, Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
ABAD Metro Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド Located close to the central shopping area, ABAD Metro Hotel is centrally positioned in the heart of Cochin, on M.G. Road. Situated on a direct road to the international airport, the property is near to railway and bus stations. Featuring a warm hospitali Rajaji Road Ernakulam Cochin 682035 Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
ABAD Plaza Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド ABAD Plaza Hotel is conveniently located in the heart of Cochin, on M.G. Road. The property is set in downtown, near to railway station and on a direct road to the international airport. Abad Plaza is a place where a warm hospitality lends to a welcoming M.G Road Cochin, 682035 Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Casino Hotel Cochin コチ(コーチン) インド Surrounded by lawns and palm trees, Casino Hotel Cochin enjoys a great location in the southern state of Kerala. Situated 2 kilometres from the airport and 8 kilometres from the city centre, the hotel offers its guests a wide variety of facilities combine Willingdon Island Cochin Discount Hotel Reservation
Gokulam Park Inn Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド Gokulam Park Inn Kochi is conveniently located in the city's business and prime shopping hub. Kochi is indeed the Queen of the Arabian Sea, where ancient civilization gracefully mingles with modern life. Among the places to be visited are the Kochi Harbou Opp. P.V.S. Hospital, Kaloor Cochin - 682 017 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel White Fort Cochin コチ(コーチン) インド The Hotel White Fort is situated in the city of Kochi and is close to the Maradu Junction and Ernakulam. Located 28 kilometres from the international airport, the property is 5 kilometres from the train and bus stations. Local attractions include the Trip National Highway 47 Bye Pass, Maradu Kochi, Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Le Meridien Cochin Resort & Convention Centre コチ(コーチン) インド Le Meridien Cochin Resort and Convention Centre is nestled in the sea of serenity, presenting a breathtaking view of the natural backwaters. The property is 10 minutes drive from the city's commercial centre and is within easy reach from the shopping cent Nh47 By Pass Road Kundannur Junction Kochi, Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Malabar Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド Situated on Willingdon Island with a magnificent view of Cochin harbour, Taj Malabar Cochin Hotel Kochi combines old-world elegance with modern day convenience. The hotel comprises twp wings, namely the heritage wing with its graceful Victorian interiors Willingdon Island Cochin - 682 009 Kerala Discount Hotel Reservation
Trident Cochin Hotel Kochi コチ(コーチン) インド The Trident Cochin Hotel Kochi is centrally located on Wellingdon Island. It is a short distance from the business district of Ernakulam and a 20-minute drive from the historic Fort Cochin. This elegant low-rise building with its traditional sloping terra Bristow Road, Wellingdon Island Kochi, 682003 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Hindusthan International Kolkata コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド Hotel Hindusthan International Kolkata is centrally located, 15 kilometres from the airport. The hotel is 5 kilometres from the train station and is a kilometre from the downtown area. All the guest rooms are spacious, comfortable and equipped with modern 235/1 A J C Bose Road Kolkata - 700 020 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hyatt Regency Kolkata コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド Hyatt Regency Kolkata is located in the emerging business district of Salt Lake City and is just a 20-minute drive from the city of Kolkata. The hotel is contemporary in design with innovative hospitality, concepts and classic standards of service and exc JA-1, Sector 3 Salt Lake City, Calcutta Discount Hotel Reservation
ITC Sonar Bangla Sheraton & Towers Hotel Kolkata (Calcutta) コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド Conveniently located close to the business centre of the city, ITC Sonar Bangla Sheraton & Towers Hotel Kolkata is 16 kilometres from the international airport. This hotel with its gracious elegance is an exclusive place, where one can experience the fine 1 JBS Haldane Avenue Opp. Science City Kolkata - 700046 Discount Hotel Reservation
Kenilworth (The) Calcutta コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド Located in the heart of Kolkata, the Kenilworth hotel is within minutes from the business centres and shopping arcades. Situated 10 minutes from the Financial Districts, the hotel boasts 105 rooms and suites that are comfortable and well furnished with th 1 and 2 Little Russel Street Kolkata Discount Hotel Reservation
Oberoi Grand Hotel Kolkata コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド Located in Chowringhee, the heart of Kolkata’s commercial district and shopping centre, Oberoi Grand Hotel Kolkata makes an impressive, luxurious and convenient base for travellers. The hotel is close to all the major convention centres, legislative offic 15, Jawaharlal Nehru Road Kolkata Discount Hotel Reservation
Park Calcutta Hotel Kolkata コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド The Park Hotel Kolkata is characterised by supreme comfort, eloquent design and delicious cuisine. A prominent city landmark, this boutique hotel, stands majestically on Park Street, the city's commercial hub and hot spot for shopping and entertainment. S 17 Park Street Calcutta 700 016 West Bengal Discount Hotel Reservation
Peerless Inn Kolkata コルカタ(カルカッタ) インド The Peerless Inn is located in Kolkata's choicest city centre and close to both shopping and business areas. The hotel is just 100 metres from the Esplanade Metro Station and 10-minute walk to Eden Gardens, New Market as well as 15-minute to the Victoria 12, Jawaharlal Nehru Road Kolkata-700 013 Discount Hotel Reservation
Asia The Dawn シムラー インド Conceived in a manner to provide you the ultimate in comfort, luxury and relaxation, Asia The Dawn is a place to discover simple yet elegant art of living. Located in Shimla, this hotel gives a grand, sweeping view of the breathtaking scenario all around. Kachi Ghati Taradevi Shimla, Himachal Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Clarke's Hotel Shimla シムラー インド Clarke's Hotel Shimla is centrally located on the main promenade, close to the shopping area. The hotel has 39 rooms that are spacious, gracefully furnished and equipped with modern amenities. Guests can enjoy Indian and European cuisine at the on-site re The Mall, Shimla Himachal Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
East Bourne Resort Shimla シムラー インド The East Bourne Resort Shimla lies 3 kilometres form the main town, 5 kilometres from the railway station and 20 kilometres from the airport. Situated amidst the wilderness, this resort boasts of providing comfort with its cosy accommodations. The resorts Near Bishop Cotton School Khallini, Shimla, (Himachal Pradesh) Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Combermere Shimla シムラー インド Hotel Combermere Shimla is located in the very heart of town, at level with the city’s elegant Mall and close to the Tourism Lift. Shimla's most modern hotel, Combermere successfully combines today's amenities and comforts with the graceful ways of life t Opposite Tourism Lift The Mall, Shimla Himachal Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Oberoi Cecil Hotel Shimla シムラー インド Nestled in the foothills of the majestic Himalayas at 2,200 meters above sea level, Oberoi Cecil is a beautiful heritage hotel situated at one of Shimla's famous Mall. The main city centre and the prestigious vice regal lodge are within walking distance f Chaura Maidan, Shimla Himachal Pradesh - 171 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Woodville Palace Hotel Shimla シムラー インド Located in the heart of Shimla, Woodville Palace Hotel is barely half a mile from the main shopping centre and the Mall. Nestled in the midst of 150 evergreen deodar pine trees, this beautiful mansion surpasses all Shimla residences in grandeur, dignity a Raj Bhawan Road, Shimla Himachal Pradesh ? 171 002 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ashok Hotel Jaipur ジャイプール インド Located in the Pink City of Jaipur, Ashok Hotel provides visitors the elegance of a Rajasthani Palace-like residence along with all the comforts. Set in a lovely garden, flanking the spacious green roundabout at Bani Park, the hotel offers 97 air-conditio Jai Singh Circle Bani Park Jaipur 302016 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Bissau Palace Jaipur ジャイプール インド Bissau Palace Jaipur is located outside the walled city, just ten minutes walk from the City Palace and fifteen minutes walk from Hawa Mahal. Nestled amidst the orange, lemon and gooseberry plantations and surrounded by the Aravalli hills on all sides, th Outside Chandpole Jaipur 302016 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Chokhi Dhani Resort Jaipur ジャイプール インド The Chokhi Dhani is an ethnic village resort located on the Jaipur Tonk highway, 6 kilometres from the airport and 18 kilometres from the city centre. The resort’s lobby gives you a glimpse of ethnic richness of Rajasthan with its bamboo net ceiling and m 12 Miles, Tonk Road Via Vatika, Jaipur Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Clarks Amer Hotel Jaipur ジャイプール インド Clarks Amer Hotel Jaipur is situated in a green residential area, in the heart of the city. The Jaipur airport is just 2.5 kilometres from the hotel. The City Palace, Jantar Mantar, Hawa Mahal, Lakshmi Narayan Temple and Jaigarh Fort are some of the touri Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg Jaipur, Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Holiday Inn Jaipur ジャイプール インド Holiday Inn Jaipur is ideally located in the city, from major tourists attractions. Well known for its warm and friendly service, the hotel is built in a traditionally Rajasthani architecture, with an open courtyard concept. All guestrooms at the hotel ar Golimar Garden, Amer Road Jaipur, Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Jaipur Palace Jaipur ジャイプール インド Hotel Jaipur Palace is located along Tonk Road in the beautiful city of Jaipur, 4 kilometres from the city centre. The area is well served by public transport facilities; with the railway station and bus stand just 4 kilometres away. The airport is a mere Tonk Road, Jaipur Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Mandawa Haveli Jaipur ジャイプール インド The Mandawa Haveli Jaipur is a magnificent heritage hotel owned by the royal family of Mandawa. Built in the late 19th century, this architectural marvel with majestic and imposing exteriors, offers a warm and comfortable ambience. Conveniently located ju Sansar Chandra Road Jaipur-302001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Mansingh Hotel Jaipur ジャイプール インド The Mansingh Hotel is located in Jaipur, the vibrant capital of Rajasthan and which is popularly known as the pink city. The main tourist attractions including Jantar Mantar and the principle shopping centres such as the Johari Bazaar and jewellers' marke Sansar Chandra Road Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Discount Hotel Reservation
Narain Niwas Palace Jaipur ジャイプール インド Designed in a fanciful version of the Anglo-Indian style, the Narain Niwas Palace Jaipur is decorated with Rajput flourishing, Rajasthani furnishing and traditional Jaipur painted walls. Built in 19th century, the Narain Niwas Palace provides an exclusive Kanota Bagh Narain Singh Road Jaipur, Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Raj Palace (The) Jaipur ジャイプール インド Raj Palace (The) is situated in the beautiful city of Jaipur, also called the Pink City on account of its soft red sandstone buildings. Located only about half a kilometre from Jaipur-Agra Highway, The Raj Palace makes an ideally located tourist stopover. Chomu Haveli Outside Jorawer Singh Gate Jaipur, Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Raj Vilas Palace Jaipur ジャイプール インド Located 8 kilometres from the city centre, Raj Vilas Palace Jaipur is 24 kilometres away from the airport. All rooms are well furnished and equipped with a host of amenities such as television, telephone, mini bar and en suite bathroom. Well-equipped conf Gona Road Jaipur 303012 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Rajputana Palace Sheraton Jaipur ジャイプール インド Situated 14 kilometres from the airport, Rajputana Palace Sheraton is just a kilometre away from the city centre and the bus station. Rajputana Palace boasts a distinct architectural design reflecting the spirit of Rajasthan. The hotel offers 216 comforta Palace Road Jaipur-302 006 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Jai Mahal Palace Hotel Jaipur ジャイプール インド Set amidst 18 acres of beautifully landscaped Moghul gardens, Taj Jai Mahal Palace Hotel Jaipur is an incomparable Palace dating back to 1745 A.D. A masterpiece in the Indo Saracenic style of architecture, it blends spotlight-grabbing opulence with tantal Jacob Road, Civil Lines Jaipur - 302 006 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Rambagh Palace Hotel Jaipur ジャイプール インド Located close to the walled Pink City, spectacular forts and the unique shopping bazaars, Taj Rambagh Palace unveils the rich culture and history of the erstwhile rulers of Rajasthan. Guests relive the Rajputana Era in refined and relaxing rooms, each off Bhawani Singh Road Jaipur - 302 005 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Maya Hotel Jalandhar ジャランダール インド The Maya Hotel Jalandhar is an eco friendly, deluxe hotel located near BMC Chowk, the city's main commercial and shopping district. The hotel is just minutes away from government office, trade fair ground and is also 2 kilometres from the city railway sta Eh-178,Civil Lines Jalandhar City 144001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ajit Bhawan Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Set in the serene desert of Rajasthan, Ajit Bhawan Jodhpur stands as an oasis of hospitality and warm Rajput charm. It is located near the Circuit House, 2 kilometres from the city centre and a 10-minute drive from the airport and railway station. Made fr Jodhpur-342 006 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Best Western Ranbanka Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Best Western Ranbanka Jodhpur is centrally located in the city, overlooking Mehrangoarh Fort on one side and the Bhawan Palace on the other. The hotel was a royal abode built for Sir Ajit Singhji, the Maharajadhiraj of Jodhpur. Its wide collection of pain Circuit House Road Jodhpur Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Fortune Ummed Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Nestled in the city of Jodhpur, Fortune Ummed, is set amidst 28 acres of landscaped gardens and is constructed on the concept of a palace. The design bears true testimony to the architectural heritage of Jodhpur. Built around a spacious central courtyard, Baner Road, Jodhpur Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Rawla Narlai Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Hotel Rawla Narlai Jodhpur is situated in an ancient dwelling, at the foot of a hill, dotted with caves and temples. During leisure, you can indulge in camel and horse safari, plan hill and lake excursions, go on a rock climbing or visit Kumbhalgarh and R Narlai, Near Desuri (between Jodhpur and Udaipur) Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Krishna Prakash Heritage Haveli Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Set amidst a vast and serene desert environment, Krishna Prakash Heritage Jodhpur is a 100-year-old traditional haveli, with an imposing but delicately carved exterior and simple yet comfortable interiors. Featuring a Sylvan setting, the property stands a Nayabas, Killikhana Jodhpur 342001 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Shree Ram International Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Situated in the desert city of Jodhpur, the Shree Ram International Hotel provides guests quiet elegance in the heart of the city. A Victorian style modern building, ideally located in calm and serene surroundings, Shree Ram International comprises 50 gue Residency road Jodhpur-342001 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Hari Mahal Hotel Jodhpur ジョドプール インド Spread over six acres of lush, landscaped gardens, Taj Hari Mahal Hotel Jodhpur offers luxurious refinement. With its Marwar style architecture and Moghul-inspired domes, enamelled murals, slender columns and grand interiors, Taj Hari Mahal truly exudes a 5, Residency Road Jodhpur - 342 001 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Fortune Jenney's Residency Tiruchirapalli タミル・ナードゥ-ティルチラパッリ インド Fortune Jenney's Residency Tiruchirapalli is located just a kilometre away from the city centre. The hotel offers comfortable rooms equipped with numerous modern amenities. The onsite restaurant serves typical south Indian as well as traditional Indian de 3/4 Macdonalds Road Tiruchirapalli-620001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Carlton Hotel Kodaikanal タミルナドゥ - コダイカナル インド Spread over 4.5 acres and situated on a hillcrest, Carlton Hotel is placed in Kodaikanal, which is perhaps India's most beautiful hill station. Lush green plantations, colourful flora, fathomless valleys and bubbling waterfalls make Kodaikanal virtually a Lake Road Kodaikanal 624 101 Discount Hotel Reservation
Mount View Hotel Dalhousie ダルハウジー インド Experience the rich natural glory of Dalhousie to take in a breath of fresh mountain air, to be with deodar and pine trees and to meditate in the laps of snow capped mountains. Set amidst this scenic splendour, in six acres of sprawling gardens, Hotel Mou Club Road, Dalhousie Himachal Pardesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Sangam Tanjore タンジャヴール インド Hotel Sangam, located in the temple town of Tanjore, offers exquisite experience in hospitality. The hotel has 54 well-appointed guest rooms that have comfortably furnished aesthetic interiors. Some rooms come with a view of Sri Brahadeeswara Temple, one Trichy Road Thanjavur 613 007 Discount Hotel Reservation
Parisutham Hotel Thanjavur タンジャヴール インド Parisutham Hotel is centrally located in the heart of Thanjavur City, which is one of the most captivating tourist destinations. Once here, guests can visit the famous temples and the historical monuments, which make Thanjavur, the cultural and historical 55 G.A. Canal Road Thanjavur Tamilnadu 613 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ambassador Pallava Chennai Hotel Madras チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Located in the heart of Chennai, Ambassador Pallava is close to the business district and commercial and shopping centres. The hotel is only 2 kilometres from the railway station. Ambassador Pallava comprises of 120 comfortable deluxe rooms and suites spr 53, Montieth Road Chennai-600 008 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ambica Empire Chennai (Madras) チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Located in the downtown, Ambica Empire Chennai is within easy reach from the boat clubs, apparel shops, banking and public transportations. The interiors of the hotel are elegantly designed, representing the golden era. The 100 spacious rooms, most with b 79, Jawaharlal Nehru Salai 100 ft. Road, Vadapalani Chennai (Madras), Tamilnadu Discount Hotel Reservation
Chola Sheraton Hotel Chennai (Madras) チェンナイ(マドラス) インド The Chola Sheraton is a fine business hotel located in the heart of Chennai, 13 km from the airport and 8 km from the railway station. With shopping and commercial areas close by, the hotel is also well suited to those visiting on leisure. The hotel offe Cathedral Road Chennai - 600 086 Tamil Nadu Discount Hotel Reservation
Le Royal Meridien Hotel Chennai チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Ideally set amongst 3.5 acres of exquisitely landscaped gardens, Le Royal Meridien Hotel Chennai is within close proximity to the airport, as well as the main shopping, financial and business districts. Situated 4 kilometres from the city centre, the hote 1, G.S.T. Road St. Thomas, Mount City Chennai Discount Hotel Reservation
Park Hotel Chennai チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Park Hotel Chennai is built on the historic location of the Gemini Film Studios. Situated 8 kilometres from the Chennai Central Railway Station, 16 kilometres from the Kamraj Domestic Airport and Anna International Airport, the hotel provides the best of 601 Anna Salai Chennai, India Discount Hotel Reservation
Quality Inn Sabari Chennai Hotel Madras チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Quality Inn Sabari is a centrally located hotel in Chennai, offering all modern facilities with renowned Indian hospitality. Ideal for the quality conscious international business traveller, the hotel offers easy access to all commercial, shopping and dip 29, Thirumalai Pillai Road T. Nagar Chennai 600 017 Discount Hotel Reservation
Radha Park Inn International Chennai チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Located 14 kilometres from the Anna International Airport, Radha Park Inn International Chennai is close to the city centre and the popular beaches. The hotel is placed along the Inner Ring Road and is close to the SAF Games village. The hotel offers 91 c Inner Ring Road Arumbakkam Chennai (Madras) Tamilnadu Discount Hotel Reservation
Radisson Chennai チェンナイ(マドラス) インド The Radisson Chennai is located 3 kilometres from International and Domestic Airport. It is one of the country's finest hotels and presents a unique combination of all the amenities of a top class business hotel with the highest international service stan St. Thomas Mount. 355-C GST Road Chennai -600 016 India Discount Hotel Reservation
Ramada Raj Park Chennai Hotel Madras チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Ramada Raj Park Chennai Hotel is located in the heart of the city and is a 20-minute drive from the airport and railway station. The property is a stone throw away from the commercial buildings, shopping arcades and entertainment galleries. Local attracti 180, T.T.K Road Alwarpet Chennai Discount Hotel Reservation
Savera Chennai Hotel Madras チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Located in the heart of the city centre, Savera Chennai Hotel Madras lies close to the city railway station and is 11 kilometres from the airport. There are several places worth visiting on your trip to Chennai, such as the marvellous Marina Beach, St. Ge 146, Dr. Radakrishnan Road Chennai 600 004 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Connemara Madras Hotel Chennai チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Located a kilometre from the city centre, Taj Connemara Hotel Chennai is only 4 kilometres from the railway station. The hotel offers 150 elegantly appointed guest rooms equipped with a host of modern amenities such as satellite TV, telephone, mini bar, I Binny Road Chennai - 600 002 Tamil Nadu Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Coromandel Madras Hotel Chennai チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Located in the heart of the city, Taj Coromandel Hotel offers a fusion of rich South Indian design cues and classic European elegance. Spacious and sophisticated, all guest rooms at the hotel offer luxurious style and comfort. Guests can savour the aroma 37, Mahatma Gandhi Road Nungambakkam Chennai - 600 034 Discount Hotel Reservation
Trident Madras Hotel Chennai チェンナイ(マドラス) インド The elegant, low-rise Trident Hotel Chennai is set amidst 5 acres of tropical gardens to present a charming ambience. Situated 20 minutes from the city centre, the hotel has convenient access to the airport. The hotel is also close to the new business cen 1/24, G.S.T. Road Chennai (Madras) Tamilnadu Discount Hotel Reservation
Tulip Aruna Chennai Hotel Madras チェンナイ(マドラス) インド Tulip Aruna Hotel Madras is located in downtown Nungambakkam and is easily accessible from Mount Road and Poonamallee High Road. Tourist attractions such as the Marina Beach and T. Nagar are within a radius of 6 kilometres. Tulip Aruna offers 94 luxurious 144, Sterling Road Nungambakkam Chennai Discount Hotel Reservation
The Muthoot Plaza Trivandrum トリバンドラム インド The Muthoot Plaza is conveniently located in Trivandrum city's commercial hub also known in history as the city of Anantha. The airport is only 8 kilometres from here. The city is rich in architecture, ancient monuments, beautiful temples and beaches all Punnen Road Trivandrum Trivandrum -695039 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ajanta Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド 当ホテルは市内中心に位置しています。対角線上にはニューデリー駅があります。Connaught Placeやほとんどの航空会社のオフィスからは徒歩でたったの10分で、近くにはSadar Bazar、Karol Bagh、Palika Bazaar、Janpath、Jantar Mantarがあります。 客室は70室あり、あらゆる目的にご利用いただけ、きっと思い出深い滞在になることでしょう。レストランでは美味しいお食事をお取りいただけます。レストランはエレガントで高級な家具が置かれており、インドや中国や西 36, Arakashan Road, Ram Nagar, Behind Shiela Cinema, Opposite New Delhi Railway Station, New Dehli 110055 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ashok Country Resort New Delhi ニューデリー インド Located just 4 kilometres from the Indira Gandhi International Airport, Ashok Country Resort New Delhi is only 16 kilometres from the city's shopping and commercial centre. Surrounded by lush green sprawling manicured lawns with landscaped gardens makes i Rajokri Road Kapashera New Delhi- 110 037 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ashok Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Ashok Hotel is set in a prime location of Delhi's Diplomatic Enclave. The hotel is a familiar and distinctive landmark, its rose-pink walls and arched and turreted contours, sets it apart from the glass and concrete conformity of other hotels. All the gue 50B Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021 Discount Hotel Reservation
Centaur Airport Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド The Centaur Airport Hotel New Delhi is a deluxe establishment located only 22 minutes driving distance from the city centre and only a few minutes from the domestic and international airports. This hotel offers to provide the best of services and comfort Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi- 110037 Discount Hotel Reservation
Chand Palace Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド 当ホテルは市内中心に位置しており、ニューデリー駅からは徒歩でたったの2分です。近くにはConnaught PalaceやショッピングエリアのKarolbaghがあります。 広々とリーズナブルなお部屋を45室ご用意しています。インドらしい伝統的なおもてなしを保ちながら、高品質のスタンダードを取り揃えたデザインになっています。全てのお部屋がきれいに整っていて、エンスイートのバスではお湯が使えます。ルームサービスは24時間ご利用いただけます。ホテル内にはホテル自身の旅行代理店オフィスがあり、ニューデリーやイ 54, Arakashan Road, Pahar Ganj Near Nav Shakti School New Delhi-110055 Discount Hotel Reservation
City Park Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド City Park Hotel New Delhi is situated in the centre of the commercial district, in the area of Pitampura in North West Delhi. The property offers gracious hospitality of international standard along with the views over a lush green neighbourhood. City Par KP Block Pitampura New Delhi Discount Hotel Reservation
Claridges (The) Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド The Claridges hotel, with its colonial charm, is located in the city centre and is near to the city’s business and shopping districts. The hotel is just 14 kilometres from the domestic airport and 18 kilometres from the international airport. There are 12, Aurangzeb Road New Delhi -110 011 Discount Hotel Reservation
Connaught Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Connaught Hotel New Delhi is located in the Connaught Place, the central business district. This is a centrally situated business class hotel, adjacent to the famous hockey stadium and very near to the famous shopping mall. Being in centre of city, the ho 37, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg New Delhi -110 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Crowne Plaza Surya Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Located in the heart of New Delhi, the Crowne Plaza Surya Hotel New Delhi is 40 minutes drive from the international airport and adjacent to Delhi’s business districts. The Nehru Place, Pragati Maidan-International Trade Fair venue, Okhla and Noida export Friends Colony New Delhi, 110065 Discount Hotel Reservation
Grand Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Located in New Delhi, Grand Hotel is 20 minutes from the commercial district, as well as from the railway station and major shopping areas. Situated 8 kilometres from the airport and 5 kilometres from the city centre, the hotel boasts 390 comfortable and Nelson Mandela Road Vasant Kunj Phase-2 New Delhi 110070 Discount Hotel Reservation
Grand InterContinental New Delhi ニューデリー インド The Grand InterContinental New Delhi stands tall in the heart of New Delhi, forming a perfect choice for both business and leisure travellers to India’s capital city. The hotel has an ideal location in Connaught Place, the city’s main commercial, shopping Barakhamba Avenue Connaught Place New Delhi, 110 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hans Plaza Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Hans Plaza is a boutique hotel, strategically placed in the heart of the capital city of New Delhi. Located in Connaught Place, the business and commercial district, the property is 20 kilometres from the international airport. Nearby local attractions in Hansalaya Building 15, Barakhamba Road, Connaught Place New Delhi Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Clark International New Delhi ニューデリー インド 当ホテルは市内中心に位置していて、近くにはアジア最大規模のショッピングセンターKarol Baghがあります。Cannought Placeへは1.5km、Pragati Maidanへは4kmです。お部屋は35室あり、美しく家具が置かれた広々と落ち着いた空間です。 ホテル内にはレストランがあり、ブッフェ式のお料理やアラカルトメニューがお楽しみいただけ、パーティーや集まりなどが催せる設備が揃っています。カンファレンスホールには優れたオーディオビジュアル設備が揃っています。 ____________ 5/47 W.E.A Sarswati Marg Karol Bagh, New Delhi 110005 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Crest Inn New Delhi ニューデリー インド Located in Karol Bagh, the Hotel Crest Inn New Delhi is within easy reach from all the major government offices, financial districts, theatre area, international trade fair grounds and sightseeing attractions. The Inn boasts 31 luxurious guestrooms that a 4/27 ? WEA, Saraswati Marg Karol Bagh New Delhi Discount Hotel Reservation
Hyatt Regency New Delhi ニューデリー インド An impressive local landmark hewn from native sandstone, Hyatt Regency Delhi is a palatial complex that offers travellers a heightened level of luxury. Located only 15 minutes from the city centre and 25 minutes from the international airport, the deluxe Bhikaiji Cama Place Ring Road New Delhi 110066 Discount Hotel Reservation
Imperial Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド 当ホテルはJanpathにある高級街のQueen's Wayに位置しています。目と鼻の先にはConnaught Place、お洒落なショッピングマーケット、ニューデリーのビジネス地域があります。大統領官邸、National Gallery of Modern Art、Dolls Museumやその他の人気スポットへは容易にアクセスできます。 ホテルは4つの棟に別れており、客室とスイートは263室あり、美しいエンスイートの設備が整っています。 ホテル内には幾つかのニューデリーでも優れたレストランがあ Janpath New Delhi - 110001 Discount Hotel Reservation
ITC Maurya Sheraton Hotel & Towers ニューデリー インド Located right in the heart of Diplomatic Enclave, ITC Maurya Sheraton Hotel & Towers offers a superb view of Delhi's green belt - the forested ridge. The hotel is just 15 kilometres from the international airport and 10 kilometres from the railway station Diplomatic Enclave New Delhi - 110 021 Discount Hotel Reservation
Janpath Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Centrally located in New Delhi, the Janpath Hotel is 1 kilometre from the Connaught Place. Situated 20 kilometres from the international airport and 15 kilometres from the domestic airport, the hotel offers 213 comfortable and well-furnished guest rooms, Janpath New Delhi Discount Hotel Reservation
Le Meridien New Delhi ニューデリー インド The Le Meridien New Delhi is conveniently located in the centre of the city, within a two kilometre radius of major central government offices, Parliament House, the Presidential Palace, Rashtrapathi Bhawan and the bustling commercial and shopping distric Windsor Place New Delhi, 110 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Marina Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド 当ホテルは市内中心の便利なロケーションにあります。エアコンそしてインターナショナル・スタンダードな贅沢さが備わっていて、最新式のモダンな設備も揃っています。隣りにはニューデリー駅があり、デリーのご宿泊先としては理想的なところです。 客室は101室あり、趣味のよい素敵な家具が置かれています。全てのお部屋にはモダンな設備が揃っています。設備の充実したビジネスセンターや24時間帯のコピー&ファックス設備もあるため、ビジネスでもご利用いただけます。 G-59, Connaught Circus New Delhi Discount Hotel Reservation
Metro Heights Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Metro Heights Hotel is located in the heart of the Capital city Delhi. The warm welcome starts right at the reception and the conducive environment compliments your lifestyle. This hotel is widely recognized for its hospitality, care, comforts and the hom 8/35 WEA Padam Singh Road Karol Bagh New Delhi - 110005 Discount Hotel Reservation
Mohan International Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド 当ホテルは市内中心に位置しています。政府オフィス、文化センター、ショッピングモール、トレードフェアグランドなどへはすぐです。空港は12km先、昔の駅は2.5km先にあります。客室は50室あります。豪華に整っており、バスルームやエアコンやその他のモダンな設備が整っています。 2, Arakashan Road, Pahar Ganj Behind Shiela Cinema New Delhi ? 110055 Discount Hotel Reservation
Oberoi Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Oberoi Hotel is located in the heart of New Delhi and overlooks lush greens of golf course and the beautiful tomb of emperor Humayun. It is within walking distance from Pragati Maidan, international trade fair and exhibition grounds. The hotel is minutes Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg New Delhi - 110003 Discount Hotel Reservation
Oberoi Maidens Hotel Delhi ニューデリー インド A jewel of colonial architecture set amidst eight acres of emerald green lawns, The Oberoi Maidens Hotel Delhi has retained its old world charm down the years. Oberoi Maidens offers a total of 53 well appointed spacious rooms and suites with all the ameni 7 - Sham Nath Marg New Delhi - 110 054 Discount Hotel Reservation
Pallavi Palace Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Pallavi Palace Hotel is located in the heart of New Delhi, diagonally opposite to the railway station and is 5 minutes walk from the cities main shopping centre. The hotel has 24 well-furnished, spacious guest rooms that are equipped with all the modern a 8572, Arakashan Road, Behind Shiela Cinema New Delhi-55 Discount Hotel Reservation
Park Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド The Park Hotel New Delhi is located in the heart of the city centre, with an easy access to Government and commercial districts. It is close to all the spots like museums, galleries, shopping arcades, exhibition grounds, religious centres and many more. T 15 Parliament Street New Delhi - 110001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Parkroyal Inter-Continental Nehru Place New Delhi ニューデリー インド Situated in the heart of South Delhi's Business district, the Parkroyal Inter-Continental Nehru Place is 10 to 15 minutes drive from the Pragati Maidan and the International Exhibition and Fair Grounds. The tourist attractions include the Bahai Temple, Lo Nehru Place New Delhi 110 019 Discount Hotel Reservation
Qutab Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Qutab Hotel New Delhi is located in an institutional area, in the vicinity of Qutab Minar. The residence is 15 kilometres from the airport and the railway station. The hotel offers 62 guest rooms and 30 apartments that are spacious, comfortable and well-f Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi-110 016 Discount Hotel Reservation
Radisson Hotel Delhi ニューデリー インド Stylish and modern architecture houses this international hotel, which is situated in New Delhi, a city famous for its sandstone monuments. This red brick building spreads over five acres of land and overlooks the beautifully landscaped surroundings. This National Highway 8 New Delhi Discount Hotel Reservation
Rahul Palace Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Rahul Palace Hotel New Delhi is located at Main Ajmal Khan Road, just 200 yards from the Karol Bagh Metro Railway Station. Situated in the heart of the city, the hotel is close to some of the famous tourist attractions such as the Connaught Place and the 5/3 W.E.A. Main Ajmal Khan Road Karol Bagh New Delhi Discount Hotel Reservation
Regent Continental Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Hotel Regent Continental New Delhi is centrally located, 30 kilometres from the airport. You can visit the surrounding areas as well as discover the city of New Delhi and it’s attractions. All the guest rooms of the hotel are comfortable and equipped with 73, W.E.A. Krishna Market Saraswati Marg Karol Bagh New Delhi-110005 Discount Hotel Reservation
Samrat Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Set in a beautiful landscaped garden, the Samrat Hotel New Delhi is located 15 kilometres from the international airport and 9 kilometres away from the railway station. All the guest rooms of the hotel are spacious and equipped with a host of modern ameni Kautilya Marg Chanakyapuri New Delhi Discount Hotel Reservation
Siddharth Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Siddharth Hotel is strategically located within the major business districts of central Delhi, 4 kilometres from the Connaught Place. The hotel has 98 guest rooms that are well-equipped and provide all the comforts. At the on-site, multi-cuisine restauran 3, Rajendra Place New Delhi 110008 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Ambassador New Delhi ニューデリー インド Inspired by colonial charm, Taj Ambassador New Delhi is situated 17 kilometres from the domestic airport and is 22 kilometres from the international airport. Close to the Humayan's Tomb and Khan Shopping Market, the hotel is within walking distance to the Sujan Singh Park Cornwallis Road New Delhi 110 003 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Mahal Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド 当ホテルはニューデリーでも有数の恵まれたロケーションであるLutyensの高級住宅地に位置しています。近くには政府機関があり、活気溢れる市内へもわずかの距離です。ホテルのロビーは自然感溢れる白が暖かな雰囲気をかもしだしており、凝ったデザインや金のはめ込み装飾などを用いた時を忘れるような内装になっています。穏やかなに噴出す大理石の噴水とアートデザイン品が見事に調和していて、ムガール時代を彷彿させます。 当ホテルでは昔ながらのよさとモダンな設備を見事に取り入れています。27室のスイートを含めて客室は296 Number One Mansingh Road New Delhi 100 011 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Palace Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド The Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi is a perfectly nestled in six acres of lush greens in the exclusive Diplomatic Enclave of the city and just 10 minutes drive from the airport. The hotel can arrange leisure facilities like golf and tennis, which is only 15 Sardar Patel Marg Diplomatic Enclave New Delhi Discount Hotel Reservation
Tivoli Garden Resort New Delhi ニューデリー インド Set amidst lush green sprawling lawns, the Tivoli Garden Resort is located in New Delhi. The resort is an ideal place for a peaceful and refreshing holiday and also for executives looking for tranquil environs for business occasions. The well appointed lu Chattarpur Mandir Road Chattarpur New Delhi - 110030 Discount Hotel Reservation
Uppal's Orchid Ecotel Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Spread over an area of 10.5 acres of scenic grandeur and greenery, Uppal's Orchid Ecotel is Delhi’s first certified environmentally sensitive hotel. It is also a personification of magnificent historic places. Enveloping its guest in an out-of-this-world National Highway 8 Near the IGI airport New Delhi ? 110037 Discount Hotel Reservation
Vasant Continental Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Vasant Continental Hotel is located in the up market area of Vasant Vihar, the embassy area of Delhi. Connaught Place is approximately 20 minutes by car and the international and domestic airports are 30-40 minutes away respectively. The hotel offers 119 Vasant Vihar New Delhi 110037 Discount Hotel Reservation
Vikram Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド The Vikram Hotel New Delhi is a refreshed, revitalized and renewed form of exclusive charm and hospitality. Situated 15 kilometres from the airport and 10 kilometres from the Delhi railway station, this hotel offers value for money where vision of comfort Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar New Delhi 110024 Discount Hotel Reservation
Welcome Hotel (Marriot) ニューデリー インド Located in the up-market Saket area in South Delhi, the WelcomHotel is in close proximity to the key business districts. Tourist places include the Red Fort, Qutab Minar, Jantar Mantar, National Gallery of Modern Art and the Lodi Gardens. Designed by well District Center Saket, New Delhi Discount Hotel Reservation
Westend Inn New Delhi ニューデリー インド Situated in the city of New Delhi, the Westend Inn is five minutes drive from the airport, quite close to the major business areas and places of tourist interest. During leisure, you can explore the city and its surrounding attractions. The Inn boasts 30 Near Shiv Murti, National Highway No-8 Rang Puri New Delhi Discount Hotel Reservation
Yuvraj Deluxe Hotel New Delhi ニューデリー インド Located in the heart of Delhi, Yuvraj Deluxe Hotel offers a perfect blend of traditional hospitality and modern facilities. The hotel is just 1 kilometre away from the capital's most exclusive wholesale business centre - Sadar Bazar and Chandni Chowk. Con 38, Arakashan Road Ram Nagar, New Delhi - 110055 Discount Hotel Reservation
Fortune Katriya Hotel Hyderabad ハイデラバード インド Fortune Katriya Hotel is located in Hyderabad, the state capital of Andhra Pradesh, known for its rich history, culture and a rich and varied heritage in arts, crafts and dance. Situated off Raj Bhavan Road, the hotel represents a unique combination of sp 8 Raj Bhavan Road Somajiguda 500082 Hyderabad Discount Hotel Reservation
ITC Kakatiya Sheraton & Towers Hotel Hyderabad ハイデラバード インド Located 2 kilometres from the city centre, ITC Kakatiya Sheraton & Towers Hotel Hyderabad is only 3 kilometres from the airport. The Charminar, Golconda Fort, Qutub Shahi Tombs, Salarjung Museum and Purani Haveli are some of the tourist attractions in the 6-3-1187, Begumpet Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad 500016 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Banjara Hotel Hyderabad ハイデラバード インド Situated in Banjara Hills, the Taj Banjara Hotel Hyderabad overlooks its private lake and offers tranquil relaxation, spacious comfort and excellent amenities. The hotel is just 10 minutes drive from the business and shopping districts. Area attractions a Road No. 1, Banjara Hills Hyderabad 500 034 Andhra Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Krishna Hotel Hyderabad ハイデラバード インド Taj Krishna Hotel Hyderabad is located 6 kilometres from the airport. Nearby places of interest include the Golconda Fort, Salarjung Museum, and Hussain Sagar Lake. The hotel offers 260 comfortable rooms equipped with a host of amenities such as televisio Road No. 1 Banjara Hills Hyderabad - 500 034 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Residency Hotel Hyderabad ハイデラバード インド Located in Hyderabad’s elite Banjara Hills, the elegant Taj Residency Hotel is spread over six acres of landscaped gardens, offering a welcome respite for both leisure and business travellers. Area attractions are Charminar, Public Gardens, Salar Jung Mus Road No. 1, Banjara Hills Hyderabad 500 034 Andhra Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Chanakya Hotel Patna パトナ インド Situated 6 kilometres from the airport, Chanakya Hotel Patna is centrally located. Enjoy a wonderful sense of calm and sophistication at the hotel. Chanakya Hotel offers comfortable and well-furnished guestrooms including suites. The in house restaurant Bir Chand, Patel Path Patna, Bihar Discount Hotel Reservation
Maurya Patna Hotel パトナ インド Maurya Patna Hotel is centrally located, 6 kilometres from the airport. The 75 guests rooms of the hotel are comfortable and equipped with a host of modern amenities. The on-site restaurant serves Indian, Moghlai, Chinese and Continental food. The hotel o South Gandhi Maidan Patna, Bihar Discount Hotel Reservation
Patliputra Ashok Patna パトナ インド Located in the city of Patna, the Patliputra Ashok Hotel is an ideal base for those on a Buddhist pilgrimage to Rajgir, Gaya, Bodhgaya and Vaishali. The hotel offers unique low cost accommodation that is specially designed for those making a brief stopove Beer Chand, Patel Path Patna, Bihar 800001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Best Western Kashika Varanasi バラナシ インド Ideally located in the calm and serene surrounding, the Best Western Kashika is situated in the city of Varanasi. The property is 3 kilometres from the train station and 7 kilometres from the downtown. During leisure, you can explore the city and its surr The Mall Cantt Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Clarks Varanasi バラナシ インド Clarks Hotel is located in Varanasi, which is an ancient city, known for the holy Ganges, temples, ghats, art, music, literature and crafts. An ambience of serenity surrounds the hotel, making your stay memorable while providing every contemporary amenity S-20/54, The Mall Cantt Varanasi 221 002 Uttar Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Hindustan International Varanasi バラナシ インド Located in the city centre, Hindustan International Varanasi is 20 kilometres from the airport and is just 1 kilometre from the railway station. The hotel offers well decorated guest rooms, which are equipped with a host of modern amenities, including pri C-21/3 Maldahiya Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 221 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel India Varanasi バラナシ インド Situated 500 metres from the Varanasi Railway Station, the Hotel India is set in a quiet and greener environment of the city, with easy accessibility. Strategically located, the hotel promises you a comfortable and peaceful stay. During leisure, you can e 59, Patel Nagar Cantonment, Varanasi Discount Hotel Reservation
Pallavi International Hotel Varanasi バラナシ インド Pallavi International Hotel Varanasi is located in the heart of the town, surrounded by greeneries and at is at easy access by all means of transportation. Formerly a palace and now turned into hotel, Pallavi International depicts the ancient Indian cultu Hathwa Place, Chetgunj Varanasi 221010 Discount Hotel Reservation
Radisson Varanasi バラナシ インド Radisson Hotel is located in the heart of Varanasi, one of the holy places for Hindus. Picturesquely situated on the crescent shaped left bank of the holy Ganga, Varanasi is one of the ancient seats of learning in India. The hotel lies in the Cantonment a The Mall, Cantonment Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Ganges Benares Hotel Varanasi バラナシ インド Set amidst 40 verdant acres, Taj Ganges Benares Hotel Varanasi is 5 kilometres away from the city centre. A veritable haven of peace and tranquillity in the bustling temple city, Taj Ganges Benares offers the perfect combination of elegance and timeless h Nadesar Palace Grounds Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Atria Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド Located just 13 kilometres from the airport, Atria Hotel Bangalore is only 3 kilometres from the city centre, railway station and the shopping centre. The hotel offers 167 comfortable rooms equipped with numerous amenities such as cable TV, telephone, ref 1, Palace Road Bangalore 560001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Capitol Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド The Capitol Hotel Bangalore is strategically located on the Rajbhavan Road, in close proximity to MG Road, Vidhana Soudha and Cubbon Park. It is a mere 15 minutes drive from the airport. The 135 beautifully appointed guest rooms and suites speak a languag 3 Raj Bhawan Road, Bangalore-560 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Central Park Hotel Bangalore (The) バンガロール インド The Central Park Hotel is centrally located in the city of Bangalore, which happens to be the Silicon Valley of India. Situated 8 kilometres from the airport and 12 kilometres from the train station, the property is an ideal place for both business and le 47 Dickenson Road Manipal Centre, Bangalore Karnataka Discount Hotel Reservation
Comfort Inn Infantry Court Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド Comfort Inn Infantry Court Hotel Bangalore is a worthwhile choice for budget conscious travellers. All guestrooms at the hotel are air-conditioned and have en suite facilities. The Comfort Inn Infantry Court offers several dining options that include Indi 66, Infantry Road Bangalore 560001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Le Meridien Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド Located in close proximity to the city's shopping and business centres, Le Meridien Bangalore overlooks the golf course. The hotel offers a panoramic view of the Garden City. The guest rooms at Le Meridian are very spacious and are equipped with numerous 28 Sankey Road Bangalore 560 052 Discount Hotel Reservation
Monarch Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド The Monarch Hotel is located in the heart of Bangalore’s Business and Commercial District. The hotel is well defined for its hospitality and quality standards. The famous MG Road, Brigade Road and very own Fifth Avenue are literally at the entrance of the 54 Brigade Road Bangalore Discount Hotel Reservation
Oberoi Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド The Oberoi Hotel Bangalore is located on the prestigious Mahatma Gandhi Road in the heart of the garden city of Bangalore, the globally renowned centre of India's software industry. Conveniently close to the business and shopping districts of Bangalore, t 37-39, Mahatma Gandhi Rd. Bangalore-560 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Park Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド The Park Hotel Bangalore belies the luxury and flamboyance of its interiors. It is conveniently located on MG Road, in the heart of Bangalore, aptly called the Garden City. The city is full of beautiful parks, museums, art galleries, public libraries as w 14/7, M. G. Road Bangalore 560 001 Karnataka Discount Hotel Reservation
Ramanashree California Resort Bangalore バンガロール インド Located in the picturesque surroundings of Yelahanka, Ramanashree California Resort is 16 kilometres from the city of Bangalore. All the 40 guest rooms at the resort are well equipped with a host of modern amenities. Guests can also dine at the onsite m Ananthapura Gate Doddaballapur Road Yelahanka Bangalore 560064 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ramanshree Comforts Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド Ramanshree Comforts Hotel Bangalore is located off Richmond Circle and just a casual stroll away from M.G. Road - the hub of Bangalore. The hotel is only 11 kilometres from the airport. This advantageous location has made this hotel a favourite for leisur 16 Rajaram Mohan Roy Road Bangalore Discount Hotel Reservation
Royal Orchid Harsha Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド Royal Orchid Harsha Hotel is one of the leading business hotels in Bangalore, also called the Garden City. Strategically located in the city centre Harsha Hotel lies close to the tourist and business hub, the railway station and the airport. Also popular No. 11, Park Road Shivajinagar Bangalore 560051 Discount Hotel Reservation
Royal Orchid Park Plaza Bangalore バンガロール インド Royal Orchid Park Plaza Bangalore is situated close to major software corridors and IT companies. The hotel overlooks the KGA golf course and is just 3 kilometres away from airport and the main commercial hub - MG Road. This property has 96 rooms that are 1, Golf Avenue Airport Road Bangalore - 560017 Karnataka Discount Hotel Reservation
St Mark's Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド St Mark's Hotel Bangalore is just 7 kilometres away from the airport and is located in the heart of Bangalore's business, shopping and dining district. The hotel has tastefully decorated guest rooms, all equipped with modern amenities. The on-site restaur 4/1 St.Marks Road Bangalore - 560 001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Residency Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド Taj Residency Hotel is located in the heart of Bangalore, with a view of the city and Ulsoor Lake. Situated 20 minutes from the airport, the hotel is a perfect combination of uncompromising hospitality and amenities. Taj Residency offers 166 centrally air 41/3, Mahatma Gandhi Road Bangalore Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Westend Hotel Bangalore バンガロール インド Situated near the city centre, the Taj Westend Hotel Bangalore is 10 kilometres away from the business, entertainment and shopping districts. The hotel is also close to the racecourse, golf course and the planetarium. A veritable oasis of peace and tranqu Race Course Road Bangalore 560 001 Karnataka Discount Hotel Reservation
Gajneer Palace Hotel Bikaner ビーカネル インド Surrounded by a beautiful forest, the Gajneer Palace Hotel is located in Bikaner. Situated 2 kilometres from the city centre, the hotel offers comfortable guestrooms, all of which are equipped with air conditioning. The in house restaurant serves both int Tahshil Kolagat, Bikaner, Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Karni Bhawan Bikaner ビーカネル インド Situated in the heart of the residential area, the Karni Bhawan Palace Hotel Bikaner is near to the major tourist attractions of the city like Junagarh Fort, Lalgarh Palace, camel breeding farm, temples and the bazaars. A short distance from Bikaner is t Gandhi Nagar Colony Bikaner 334001 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Lallgarh Palace Bikaner ビーカネル インド The Lallgargh Palace is situated on the outskirts of the Bikaner City and is spread over a vast area of land. The intricate dexterous carving on the red sand stone is a hallmark of great craftsmanship. The lush green sprawling lawns with dancing peacocks Bikaner -334001 Rajasthan Discount Hotel Reservation
Lotus Nikko Bodhgaya ブッダガヤ インド Combining hospitality, elegance and comfort with economy, the Lotus Nikko Bodhgaya is centrally situated and enwrapped in all the warmth and cheer that the city is famed for. This hotel is simply the perfect location from which you can enjoy the wonders o Bodhgaya Bihar 824231 Discount Hotel Reservation
Kalinga Ashok Hotel Bhubaneswar Orissa ブバネーシュワル インド The Kalinga Ashok Hotel Bhubaneswar Orissa is located 4 kilometres from the airport and a kilometre from the train station. The hotel is a gracious blend of traditional courtesy and modern living with an ambience that includes Orissa handicrafts, handloom Gautam Nagar Bhubaneswar Orissa Discount Hotel Reservation
Trident Hilton Bhubaneswar ブバネーシュワル インド Trident Hilton Bhubaneshwar is a first-class international hotel, set amid 14 acres of lush green lawns and fruit orchards, with a kilometre-long jogging track winding through its beautiful gardens. The rooms are equipped with all modern amenities and off CB-1 Nayapalli Bhubaneswar Orissa Discount Hotel Reservation
Jehan Numa Palace Hotel Bhopal ボパール インド Jehan Numa Palace Hotel is nestled on the slopes of Shamla Hill in Bhopal. Set in five acres of lush green grass, trees and splashes of colourful Bougainvillea, the hotel is a delightful and charming get-away. More than a century old, the palace is a supe 157, Shamla Hills Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Lake View Ashok Hotel Bhopal ボパール インド The Lake View Ashok Hotel Bhopal is situated atop Shamla Hills and overlooks the main lake. With its extensive landscaped area, the hotel has a unique architectural design, with two floors above and two floors below the lobby level. Accommodation is provi Shamla Hills, Opp. TV Tower Premises Bhopal 462013 Madhya Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Noor Us Sabah Palace Bhopal ボパール インド Noor US Sabah Palace is located in city of Bhopal, and has one of the best views of the breathtakingly beautiful and expansive Bhopal Lake and the Vindhya Hills. Built in the 1920s as the residence of a noble family, the palace is now a grand heritage hot V.I.P Road Koh-E-Fiza Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Discount Hotel Reservation
Anandha Inn Pondicherry ポンディシェリ インド Located 4 kilometres from the airport, Anandha Inn Pondicherry is ideally situated in the heart of the city. The picturesque beach, the ancient temples, churches and all the downtown sights are just within easy reach. Anandha Inn holds 70 air-conditioned S.V. Patel Road Pondicherry Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Kodai International Tamilnadu マドライ インド Located 10 minutes from Kodai Lake, Hotel Kodai International Tamilnadu is just 2 kilometres from the downtown area. Area attractions include the Coaker's Walk, Green Valley View, Berijam Lake, Silver Cascade and Veeran Falls. The hotel provides a choice 17/328, Lawsghat Road Kodaikanal - 624 101 Discount Hotel Reservation
Madura Park Inn Madurai マドライ インド The Madura Park Inn Madurai is located in proximity to the city’s main attraction, the Meenakshi temple and the commercial centre. Situated at a close distance from the railway station and 10 km from the airport, Madura Park Inn is just the right halt for 38 Madakulam Main Road Palangantham, Madurai Discount Hotel Reservation
Sangam Hotel Madurai マドライ インド Sangam Hotel is located in Madurai, which is easily accessible from the major Indian cities through rail, road or air. Guests can visit tourist places like Madurai Meenakshi Temple and Tirumalai Nayak Palace. The hotel has 60 guest rooms that are comforta Alagarkoil Road Madurai 625002 Discount Hotel Reservation
Supreme Hotel Madurai マドライ インド Situated in a thriving commercial zone, the Supreme Hotel Madurai is just 2 kilometres from the great Meenakshi Temple and is 5 minutes walk from the railway station. Tourist attractions include the Gandhi Museum, River Vaigai, Suruli Falls, Kodaikanal, T 110, West Perumal Maistry Street Madurai 625001 Tamil Nadu Discount Hotel Reservation
Taj Garden Retreat Hotel Madurai マドライ インド Situated atop the Pasumalai Hill, amidst 62 acres of landscaped gardens, Taj Garden Retreat Hotel Madurai is a seamless blend of 105-year-old colonial architecture and modern renovations. It also offers picturesque views of the Temple City and the Kodai h Pasumalai, No. 40 TPK Rd. Madurai 625 004 Discount Hotel Reservation

Hotel-Navi ホテル 予約
Parking-Navi 駐車場ガイド
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