Hotel-Navi ホテル 予約
Parking-Navi 駐車場ガイド
アメリカ アイルランド イギリス イタリア インドネシア オーストラリア オーストリア オランダ カナダ 韓国 ギリシャ シンガポール スペイン スイス スウェーデン タイ チェコ共和国 中国 デンマーク ドイツ トルコ ニュージーランド 日本 ノルウェー ハンガリー フランス フィンランド ベルギー ベトナム 香港 ポルトガル マカオ マレーシア 南アフリカ モナコ ルクセンブルグ ロシア

ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500750
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 500950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501750
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 501950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502700
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 502800
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503150
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503200
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503750
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 503950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504150
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504300
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504700
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 504950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505100
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505150
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505550
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505600
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505700
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505900
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 505950
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506100
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506450
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 506900
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507000
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507050
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507100
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507450
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507500
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507550
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507650
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507700
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507750
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507850
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 507900
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508000
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508100
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508300
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508350
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508400
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508450
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508550
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 508800
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 509300
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510650
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510800
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 510850
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 511000
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 511350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 513350
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 513850
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 514000
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ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 514250
ホテル予約の達人 検索 予約 514300
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21st Century Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 The 21st Century Hotel Dalian is situated alongside the scenic Tiger Beach. It is 3 minutes from the seaport, 10 minutes from the railway station and 20 minutes from the airport. It is designed in a distinctive classical European style and has 232 luxurio 205 Zhong Nan Lu, Zhongshan District Dalian 116000 Discount Hotel Reservation
Apollo Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 The Apollo Hotel Dalian is just 25 minutes drive from the Dalian International Airport. It is also within short distance from both the sea and mountain areas as well as to the local shopping centre. All the rooms at the hotel are excellent with fully equi 138 Huang Hai West Road Economic & Technical Develop Dist Dalian 116600 Discount Hotel Reservation
Furama Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 Furama Hotel Dalianは市内中心の便利なロケーションにあります。周辺には主要銀行、レストラン、最大規模のモダンなショッピングエリアがあります。ハーバーや駅へは車でわずかの距離で、ショッピングセンターへは徒歩でアクセスできます。客室は広々としていて、質の高いモダンで快適なお部屋です。全室にソファや作業できる机が備わっていて、お部屋によってはハーバーの素敵な景色がお楽しみいただけます。 ホテル内のレストランではフレンチ、広東、日本、韓国などのお料理がお楽しみいただけます。ロビーは広々として 60 Renmin Road Zhongshan District Dalian 116001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Gloria Plaza Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 Gloria Plaza Hotel Dalian is conveniently located in the heart of Dalian city, just a stone's throw away from the railway station and only 20 minutes from the airport. Shopping areas are nearby, as are numerous attractions for leisure. Gloria Plaza Hotel 5 Yidhe Avenue Zhongshan District Dalian 116001 Liaoning Province Discount Hotel Reservation
Golden Shine Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 Golden Shine Hotel Dalian is served by a good location and easy access. Enjoy a wonderful sense of calm and sophistication at the hotel, where all you needs are tastefully catered to and the requirements of the business guest attentively met. You are sure 53 Wuwu Road Zhongshan District Dalian Discount Hotel Reservation
Grand Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 Located right at the heart of financial, commercial and cultural district, the Grand Hotel boasts its finest location of all the hotels in Dalian. Its renowned all embracing service will give your business stay in this unique port city the very feeling of 1 Jiefang Street Zhongshan District Dalian 116001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Oriental Palace Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 Situated in the heart of Dalian, Hotel Oriental Palace is an ideal place for business or leisure travellers. The hotel is conveniently located just 5 minutes from the railway station and a 25-minute ride from the airport. A stunning example of contemporar 123 Changjiang Road Zhongshan District Dalian Discount Hotel Reservation
Inn Fine Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 Inn Fine Hotel is located in the finance and trade centre of Dalian Economic & Technical Development Zone. Situated 35 kms from the city centre, the hotel has easy access to the airport, railway station, dock and is just minutes from the bus station. All 135 Jinma Road Economic and Technical District Dalian 116600 Discount Hotel Reservation
Kerran Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 The Kerran Hotel Dalian is conveniently located in the financial and commercial centre of Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone. It has easy access to Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport, Dalian Railway Station, Dalian Seaport as well as 186 Jinma Road Economic Development Zone Dalian 116600 Discount Hotel Reservation
Lee Wan Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 Lee Wan Hotel is located at Minzhu Square and is adjacent to the financial and business centre of the city. It takes only 5 minutes to reach the seaport and the railway station as well it is just 15 minutes from the airport. The guestrooms at the hotel ar 8 Minzhu Square Zhongshan District Dalian Discount Hotel Reservation
Merro Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 Situated 15 kilometres away from the airport, Merro Hotel is located in the centre of Dalian. The hotel is very close to the railway station, while the exhibition centre is 7 kilometres away. The 20-storey Merro is a top grade business hotel, designed acc 112 Zhongshan Road Zhongshan Dist., Dalian Liaoning Province Discount Hotel Reservation
Ramada Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 当ホテルは市内中心の便利なロケーションにあります。空港や商業地域や港や駅にアクセスしやすく便利です。ホテルからは中国最大級の屋内モールVictory Plaza Shopping Centreを見下ろし、娯楽施設やレストランや400店以上のお店が入っています。海岸やビーチへは車ですぐです。客室は329室あり、モダンな設備とサービスが揃っています。ホテル内には中華料理や西洋料理や日本料理など、レストランが幾つかあります。 18 Sheng Li Square Zhong Shan Ward Dalian 116001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Royal Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 The Royal Hotel is situated in the city centre offering splendid views of the sea and beautiful landscape surroundings. It is well connected by major public transports making it convenient for the guests to travel around. All the guestrooms are tastefully 143 Zhongshan Road Xigang District Dalian, 116011 Discount Hotel Reservation
Sea Horizon Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 Sea Horizon Hotel is located at the seaside by the western section of Binhai Road, which is famous for its sightseeing. The hotel is situated beside the mountain and along the seaside with elegant environment and convenient transportation. It is only 5 ki No.81 West Binhai Road, Dalian 116013 Discount Hotel Reservation
Swissotel Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 当ホテルは大連のビジネス中心街の労働公園を見下ろす場所にあります。近くにはショッピングセンターや美しい植物公園や湖やビーチがあります。市内のいたるところや開発地域にアクセスするのに便利なところです。 客室とスイートは327室あり、リラックスしてお過ごしいただけます。レストランは日本料理、広東料理、大連料理などバラエティー豊かに揃っており、お好みに応じてお選びいただけます。 21 Wu Hui Road, Zhong Shan District Dalian 116001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Victoria Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 Located in a European style garden, the Victoria Hotel Dalian is within easy access to the airport. It is also near to many sightseeing and shopping areas. The well decorated guestrooms offer a cosy atmosphere with all the necessary amenities to suit your 140 Huanghai West Road Economic & Technical Development Dist Dalian 116600 Discount Hotel Reservation
Zhongshan Hotel Dalian 大連(ダイレン) 中国 The Zhongshan Hotel Dalian is located centrally in the business district of the city and has easy access to the airport. The elegantly decorated guestrooms are equipped with amenities like television, telephone, mini bar and air conditioning. The hotel of 3-5 Jiefang Road Zhongshan District Dalian Discount Hotel Reservation
Astor Hotel Tianjin 天津(テンシン) 中国 Situated in the heart of Tianjin's financial and diplomatic centre, the Astor Hotel is minutes away from the commercial centre and is an ideal place to explore the city. The hotel boasts 222 elegant guest rooms that are decorated in delicate pastel colour 33 Taier Zhuang Road Tianjin Discount Hotel Reservation
Cairnhill Hotel Tianjin 天津(テンシン) 中国 Situated in the city centre, Cairnhill Hotel Tianjin is close to the Foreign Trade Bureau, museums, banks and government offices. Tianjin International Airport is just a 45-minute drive from the hotel and is also near the ancient culture street. Cairnhill 2 San Ma Road Nankai District- Tianjin Discount Hotel Reservation
Renaissance Hotel Tianjin 天津(テンシン) 中国 Situated right in the Central Business District, the Renaissance Hotel is a landmark in the city of Tianjin. The nearby attractions include the Ancient Culture Street, Water Park, Tianjin Youth's Park and many others. Renaissance Tianjin Hotel has 273 tas 105 Jianshe Road Heping District Tianjin 300042 Discount Hotel Reservation
Citic International Hotel Ningbo 寧波(ネイハ) 中国 The Citic International Hotel is uniquely located in downtown Ningbo where political, business and cultural activities are highly concentrated. The hotel overlooks the Ling Bridge and the Three-rivers-mouth, two landmarks of the booming port city of Ningb 1 Jiangdong Bei-Lu Ningbo, Zhejiang Discount Hotel Reservation
Nanyuan Hotel Ningbo 寧波(ネイハ) 中国 Nanyuan Hotel Ningbo is located in the political, economic and cultural centre of Ningbo City, with very convenient transportation. The hotel contains 438 elegantly decorated and completely equipped guest rooms and business apartments. A variety of dinnin 2 Lingqiao Rd, Ningbo Zhejiang Discount Hotel Reservation
World Hotel Ningbo 寧波(ネイハ) 中国 Set amidst gracious surroundings, World Hotel is conveniently located in the business center of the city of Ningbo. The hotel boasts 400 guest rooms and suites that are well decorated in European and Chinese styles. All rooms are well furnished and equipp 145 Zhongshan East Road Ningbo, Zhejiang Discount Hotel Reservation
Crowne Plaza Hotel Jinan 山東(サントン) 中国 Located in the bustling core of the Spring City, the Crowne Plaza Hotel Jinan is positioned in the commercial and shopping district. Situated only minutes away from the Jinan's important business and tourist areas, the property provides high standard of s 3 Tian Di Tan Street, Jinan Shandong Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Equatorial Qingdao 山東(サントン) 中国 Located in the city centre of Qingdao, the Hotel Equatorial is just a 40-minutes drive away from Liu Ting Airport. The hotel is quite close to Provincial government buildings, major commercial centres and shopping malls. All the spacious guestrooms at Equ 28 Xiang Gang Zhong Lu 266071 Qingdao, China Discount Hotel Reservation
Sofitel Silver Plaza Hotel Jinan 山東(サントン) 中国 The Sofitel Silver Plaza Hotel Jinan is the gateway to Qufu and is ideally located next to tourist attractions such as Baotu Spring, Daming Lake and One Thousand-Buddha Mountains as well as it is only a few minute walk from commercial centres. The hotel f 66 Luoyuan Avenue 250063 Jinan China Discount Hotel Reservation
Asia International Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Asia International Hotel Guangzhou is located in one of most prosperous business areas, where you will find leading stores, restaurants and parks. The hotel boasts 442 guest rooms that enjoy stunning views of the city and are fitted with broadband interne No.326, Section 1 Huanshi Dong Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Bai Yun Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 当ホテルはHuanshi Dong Roadの商業・金融街にあります。ホテルの周辺には数々の有名な歴史的な場所や人気スポットがあります。ホテル周辺には中山紀念堂、チェンハイタワー、Nanyue King Tomb Museumなどといった人気の観光スポットがあります。 客室は706室あり、全室共に明るく快適な設備が揃っています。ホテルのレストランではバラエティー豊かな中華料理や西洋料理がお楽しみいただけます。さらには日本風バーではドリンクや軽食がお楽しみいただけます。 367 Huanshi Dong Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Baiyun International Airport Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Located just 20 minutes from the Baiyun Airport, Baiyun International Airport Hotel lies on the north of Guangzhou, facing the beautiful scenery-Baiyun mountain. The hotel is just 10 minutes away from the bus station, railway station and Liuhua complex of No. 340 Yunxiao Street Jichang Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Central Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 当ホテルは広州市内中心までたった3km、駅まで5kmのところに位置しています。メジャーなショッピング・娯楽エリアへは車で10分です。お部屋は中ぐらいのサイズの清潔な空間で、シンプルな家具が置かれています。ホテル内のレストランでは広東料理や西洋料理がお楽しみいただけます。バーではお飲み物やシンプルな軽食がお取りいただけます。 33 Jichang Lu Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
China Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 当ホテルはNorth Jie Fang RoadとLiu Hua Roadの交差点に位置しており、広州の商業・金融の要となる地域の一つです。正面には中国貿易複合施設が建っており、すぐ近くにはNan Yue Emperor's Tomb Museum、Yue Xiu Hill、Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Memorial Hallといった人気スポットがあります。お部屋は中サイズで、インターナショナル・スタンダードな設備が揃っています。レストランでは日本料理、ヨーロッパ料理、アメリカ料理、そしてインタ Liuhua Road 10015 Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
China Mayors Plaza Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The China Mayors Plaza Guangzhou is situated in the commercial district of Tianhe, which is only 5 minutes from the Guangzhou East Railway Station and the subway station. The hotel is adjacent to the Citic Plaza and Tian he Sports Centre. All guestrooms a 189 Tian He Bei Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
China Merchants Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The China Merchants Hotel is situated next to the Chinese export commodities fair and is facing the beautiful Liu Hua Lake. Tourist attractions such as Nan Yue Emperor's Tomb Museum, Yue Xiu Hill and Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Memorial Hall are close to the hotel. 111-8 Liu Hua Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Dong Fang Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 当ホテルは広州でも商業・金融の中心街のひとつであるNorth Jie FangとLiu Hua Roadの交差点に位置しています。ちょうど正面にはChinese Export Commodities Complexがあります。Nan Yue EmperorのTomb MuseumやYue Xiu HillやDr. Sun Yat-senのMemorial Hallといった人気の高い観光スポットはすぐ近くです。客室は中サイズで手入れが行き届いています。 ホテル内には中華料理、西洋料理、日本料理など様々 120 Liu Hua Road Guangzhou 510016 Discount Hotel Reservation
Foreign Businessman Club Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Foreign Businessman Club Hotel Guangzhou is located in the Tianhe District of Guangzhou city. It is only 11 kilometres to the China Export Commodities Fair, 9 kilometres to the Dr. Su Yat-Sen Memorial Hall and the famous Beijing Lu Shopping Street. Al 293, Guangzhou Dadao Zhong Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Furama Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 当ホテルは銀行・貿易・お店が集まる賑やかなChangdiに面しています。すぐ側にはまるで絵のように美しいパール川が流れています。広州動物園やパゴダやSix Banyan Templeへは容易にアクセスできます。豪華なスイートと客室は360室あり、パール川や市内の素敵な景色を眺めることができます。 当ホテルではバラエティー豊かな世界各国や地元のお料理がお楽しみいただけます。ホテル内には多目的ファンクションセンターがあり、カンファレンスやエキジビションや宴会やレクチャーにご利用いただけ、ニーズに応じたサー 316 Changdi Lu Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Globelink Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Globelink Hotel Guangzhou is ideally situated in the commercial district and is minutes away from the subway. The hotel, with a contemporary cultural atmosphere, is close to the Guangdong Museum, Zhongshan Library and the Trade Fair. The Guangzhou Tia 208 Yuexiu South Road Guangzhou Guangdong Discount Hotel Reservation
Grand China Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Situated in the heart of Tian He, the Grand China Hotel Guangzhou is within easy reach from the Guangzhou Book Selling Centre, sports complex, shopping mall and various government offices. The hotel boasts elegantly designed guest rooms that ensure a comf 108 Tian He Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Grand Palace Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Grand Palace Hotel is centrally located in Guangzhou's busy Tianhe District, the centre for commercial and financial activities. Surrounded by gourmet restaurants, shops and entertainment venues, the property’s extensive facilities make it an ideal venue 148, Linhe Zhong Road Tianhe District, Guangzhou Guangdong Discount Hotel Reservation
Guangdong International Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Guangdong International Hotel is ideally situated in the heart of Guangzhou's commercial district and entertainment centre. The Bai Yun International Airport is 20 minutes drive, while the Express Railway Station and Guangzhou Trade Fair Exhibition Ha 339 Huanshi Dong Lu Guangzhou Guangdong Discount Hotel Reservation
Guangdong New Xiangjiang Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Guangdong New Xiangjiangは市内中心に位置している、観光クラスの経済的なホテルです。広州駅に近く、広州空港へはわずか3キロです。Chinese Export Commodities Fairへは徒歩でアクセスできます。当ホテルの客室は中サイズの広さで、ベーシックなスタンダードが揃ったシンプルな内装になっています。 レストランはホテルのグランドフロアにあり、広州や江西や四川や上海や揚州など、様々な中華料理がお楽しみいただけます。 183 Huan Shi Xi Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Guangdong Olympic Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Guangdong Olympic Hotel is located in the famous Guangdong Olympic Centre. This property is only a 10-minute drive from the Guangzhou Exhibition Centre and 30 minutes from Liuhua Road Exhibition Centre. The hotel has 170 air-conditioned and well-decor Dongpu Tianhe Zone Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Guangdong Victory Hotel 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Guangdong Victory Hotelは活気あふれる都市にありながらも落ち着いたオアシスのような雰囲気の、歴史の古い沙面(Shamian)にあります。ギリシャやバロック風の建築様式が素敵な、静かな環境です。お店や郵便局やショッピングセンターや銀行へはすぐです。 客室は202室あり、アメニティが充実しているため、快適にお過ごしいただけます。ホテル内のレストランでは中華料理と西洋料理がミックスされた素敵なお食事がお楽しみいただけ、どれもこれもたいへん美味しくいただけます。ビジネスセンターは有用な設 No.53 Shamian Nr. Street, Guangzhou, China, 510130 Discount Hotel Reservation
Guangzhou Grand International Hotel 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Guangzhou Grand International Hotel occupies a unique vantage point in the heart of commercial, financial and shopping centres of the Tianhe District. The hotel has comfortable and well-furnished guestrooms, which are equipped with modern amenities. Y 468 Tianhe Bei Road Guangzhou Guangdong Discount Hotel Reservation
Guangzhou Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Located in Haizhu Square, Guangzhou Hotel lies in the centre of the city, with Pearl River flowing in the south. The Guangzhou-Kowloon Train Station and the Baiyun Airport are both 11 kilometres from the hotel. Nearby tourist attractions include the Chen Haizhu Square Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Haitao Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Haitao Hotel is conveniently located in Guangzhou, just a short stroll away from the city centre. The hotel is positioned along the busy street of Hung Pu Road, close to the entertainment and shopping districts. The Guangzhou Railway Station and Baiyun Ai 208-210 Huang Pu Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Hallbell De Fond Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Nestled in the heart of Tianhe, Hallbell De Fond Guangzhou is only 20 minutes from the Baiyun International Airport. The hotel has easy access to the Sub-way Exit, Guangzhou Book Centre, Tianhe Sports Complex, Tianhe Shopping Mall and government offices.< 14/F, West Tower, Zhuijang Building 358 HuanShi East Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Holiday Inn City Centre Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Holiday Inn City Centre Hotel Guangzhou is strategically located along Huanshi Dong Road in the city's commercial, shopping and entertainment district. It offers 430 spacious rooms, including 38 suites and 11 apartments. There is an Executive floor de 28 Guangming Road Overseas Chinese Village Huanshi Dong, Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Holiday Islands Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Featuring mountains and lakes in the background, Holiday Islands Hotel is located in Huadu district of Guangzhou, on the verge of WangZi Virgin Forest and the glittering QingBi Lake. The property is conveniently situated next to the Guangqing Expressway a Country Garden Holiday Islands ShanQian Road, Shiling Town, Huadu District of Guangzhou City Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Landmark Canton Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Hotel Landmark Canton is conveniently located in the heart of Guangzhou, facing the gorgeous Pearl River and Haizhu Square. The hotel is just 10 minutes away from the railway station and Bai Yun International Airport. The Landmark operates a free shuttle No. 8 Qiaoguang Lu Yuexiu District- Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Lido Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Lido Hotel Guangzhou is situated in the city centre, close to the famous Pearl River and the High Street. The Trade Fair Centre is only 3 kilometres from the hotel, while the railway station and airport are 4 and 10 kilometres away, respectively. The 182 Beijing Road Guangzhou, 510115 Discount Hotel Reservation
Liuhua Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Liuhua Hotel Guangzhou is located 10 minutes from Baiyun International Airport. The hotel has easy access to public transport, which makes it a perfect location for shopping, business and travel. GD Friendship Theatre and China Export Commodities Fair is 194 Huanshi Road W. Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Majestic Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Majestic Hotel Guangzhou is located in the Tian He District, the commercial and shopping centre of Guangzhou as well as is near to the Chinese Export Commodities Fair. The property is set in TianHe Entertainment Plaza, which consists of various facilities No.621.623.625. TianHe Entertainment Plaza Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Meiyi Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Meiyi Hotel is located in the Guangzhou commercial travelling centre and is an ideal place for guests to reside. The hotel has 100 luxurious and spacious rooms that are comfortable, well furnished and equipped with standard amenities. Featuring a rest 151, Jiefang Nan Road Guangdong Discount Hotel Reservation
Moon Bay Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Moon Bay Hotel is located at the cross of Ming Yue Yi Road and Chun Feng Road where numerous hotels, shopping centres and commercial buildings are concentrated. The hotel is just paces away from the East Railway Station, Teem Plaza, Jusco, Wuyang New No.18 Ming Yue Yi Road Guangzhou 510060 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ocean Hotel GuangZhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Ocean Hotel GuangZhou attracts guests from all over the world with its special sailingship-style architecture and refined services. The hotel is located in the most efficient business centre, which enjoys convenient transportation. It takes only 5 min 412 Huanshi Dong Lu Dongshan District Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Oriental Silk Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Oriental Silk Hotel is located at the flourishing commercial centre of GuangZhou and is considered to be an ideal place for businessmen and tourists. The 26-storey hotel boasts comfortable and spacious guest rooms that are fully equipped with modern a No.752 Dong Feng East Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Parkview Square Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Located 25 minutes from the city centre, Parkview Square is the only hotel close to the famous Yue Xiu Park, presenting a quiet atmosphere within the busy city of Guangzhou. The hotel is just a 5-minute drive from the Canton railway station and 10 minutes 960 Jie Fang Bei Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
President Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 当ホテルはTianhe地域の商業エリアの中にあります。広州東駅からはたったの3kmで、近くにはメジャーなショッピング街があります。全ての客室にはシンプルな家具が置かれ、スタンダードな設備が揃っています。レストランでは地元や世界各国のバラエティー豊かなお食事がお楽しみいただけます。ロビーにはバーがあり、ドリンクや軽食がお取りいただけます。 586 Tian He Road Guangzhou, 510630 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ramada Pearl Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Ramada Pearl Hotel is situated at the eastern part of Guangzhou city beside the Pearl River. It is about 5 kilometres from the Guangzhou East train station and around 20 minutes drive to the newest Pazhou Convention Exhibition Centre. The 323 guestr 9 Mingyue Yi Road Dongshan District Guangzhou 510600 Guangdong Discount Hotel Reservation
Regal Riviera Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Regal Riviera Hotel Guangzhou is located adjacent to the new site of Guangzhou Trade Exposition and Pa Zhou Exhibition Centre. The hotel is only a stone's throw away from CBD Huan Shi Road and Tian He Bei. The property provides a total of 100 deluxe guest No.1 Hao Jing Street Yizhou Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Riverside Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Riverside Hotel Guangzhouは真珠川のウォーターフロントに位置しています。Jiangwan橋に近く、市の様々なところにアクセスするのに大変便利です。Guangzhou駅からは10kmです。客室は中サイズの広さで、きちんと清掃されています。 ホテル内には中華料理レストランと西洋料理もいただけるコーヒーショップが備わっています。ホテル内のバーは室内だけでなく屋外にも席があり、真珠川の素敵な眺めを楽しみながら素敵なひと時をお過ごしいただけます。 298 Yan Jiang Zhong Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Rosedale Hotel & Suites Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Located in the busy commercial centre of the south bank of the Pearl River, the Rosedale Hotel and Suites Guangzhou is a sole hotel in the Haizhu District. The Rosedale provides an easy access to the railway station, airport, docks and cities such as Nanh 348 Jiang Nan Da Road Central Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Shengdi Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Situated near Bai Yun Mountain in Guangzhou, Shengdi Hotel Guangzhou lies adjacent to the famous First Military Medical University and Hitachi Elevator Co. Ltd. The hotel is only 10 minutes away from the new Canton Fair. The property provides 100 luxuriou No. 1421 North of Guangzhou Avenue Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Silver River Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Silver River Hotel Guangzhou is located in the centre of Xinshi District and adjoins the Tianhe district in the north. The hotel, with its vast and mighty appearance covers an area of 30,000 square meters, including a 10,000 square meter of large park No.268, Shatai Road Tianhe District Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Star Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Star Hotel Guangzhou is conveniently located at the business and shopping area in Tianhe City. The hotel is adjacent to the Guangzhou east railway station and is only 15 minutes drive from Chinese Export Commodities Fair. All 325 well-appointed guestr No.89 Linhexi Road Tianhe Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
The Garden Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 当ホテルは市内中心のたいへん便利なロケーションにあります。贅沢な設備とサービスが揃っていて、温かに皆様のお越しを歓迎しています。お部屋はたいへん贅沢で快適な空間で、広々としています。ご利用の際にはきっとご満足いただけることでしょう。 ホテル内にはスパ、サウナ、コンベンションホール、子供用遊戯場、流れ落ちる滝の音が心地よい庭園などがあります。ホテル内のレストランではバラエティー豊かなお料理をご用意しており、美味しい広東料理、西洋料理、イタリア料理、アジア料理などがお楽しみいただけます。 No. 368, Huanshi Dong Lu Guangzhou 510664 Discount Hotel Reservation
TianLun International Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 TianLun International Hotel is strategically located in the heart of the Tianhe District in Guangzhou. The property is next to the Guangzhou East Station and is 20 minutes from the new Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Centre. Designed for No. 172, Linhe Middle Road Tianhe District Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
White Swan Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 当ホテルは歴史のある沙面に位置しています。ホテルからは有名な珠江が見え、正面にはホワイトスワン・プールがあります。忙しい市内とは違った、落ち着いたオアシスのようなところです。美しいアトリウム・ロビーはまるで南中国の有名な景観を屋内に閉じ込めた小宇宙のようです。ベールのように繊細な小さな滝や見事な岩など、水の素敵な景観がお楽しみいただけます。 レストランではバラエティー豊かな中華料理や西洋料理がお楽しみいただけます。Jade Riverレ宇土ランは素敵な庭園風の内装になっていて、ハイスタンダードな広東料 1 South Street Shamian Island Guangzhou, 510133 Discount Hotel Reservation
Xianda Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Xianda Hotel Guangzhou is located in the middle section of Huangsha Ave, adjacent to picturesque Litchi Lake Park. Encircled by green waters and white clouds, the hotel is tranquil in environment and convenient in traffic. The Xianda Hotel boasts morn No.144 Huang Sha Ave Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Yanling Hotel Guangzhou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 The Yanling Hotel is located at Yan Ling Road, in Tianhe District. It is only 10 minutes drive to Guangzhou East Railway Station and 15 minutes to Baiyun International Airport from the hotel. There are 300 guestrooms within this 21-storey building, rangin No.29, Yanling Road Guangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Yunshan Hotel Guanghzou 広州(コウシュウ) 中国 Located to the west of the Guangzhou Zoo, the Yunshan Hotel is 10 kilometres from the railway station. The hotel consists of more than 400 guestrooms, ranging from standard to deluxe. All the accommodation units are equipped with refrigerators, air-condit 8 Yunhe North Street Xianlie Zhong Road Guangzhou, Beijing Discount Hotel Reservation
Amara Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 Conveniently located within 30 minutes from the Shuangliu International Airport, the Amara Hotel Chengdu is a business class hotel, which is close to the entertainment belt, dining outlets and the city centre. The hotel has 232 luxuriously appointed guest No 2, Taisheng Bei Road, Chengdu 610017 Sichuan Discount Hotel Reservation
Crowne Plaza Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 Crowne Plaza Chengdu is situated in the heart of the city centre, between the main shopping expanse of Zong Fu Street and the office complexes. It is also close to Sichuan provincial exhibition centre and some major government offices. Conveniently locate 31 Zongfu Street Chengdu 610016 Discount Hotel Reservation
Greenland Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 The Greenland Hotel Chengdu is located in the city centre, about 3 kilometres from the railway station and 16 kilometres from the airport. The hotel’s convenient location provides easy access to the central business district of the city and the nearby fam 99 Zhonglieci Xi Street Qingyang District Chengdu Discount Hotel Reservation
Homeland Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 Set on 12 acres, the Homeland Hotel Chengdu is located next to Airport Development Zone and High-tech Economic Development Zone. The hotel is 6 kilometres away from Shuangliu Airport and 13 kilometres from Tianfu Square. The evergreen meadows of the Homel 181 Airport Road Chengdu Discount Hotel Reservation
Jin Qi Lin Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 The Jin Qi Lin Hotel Chengdu is located in the business centre of north Chengdu. It only takes you 30 minutes to reach the airport and 5 minutes to the railway station. It is also within easy access to the shopping centre. Guests can relax in the cosy roo 25 North People Rd. Intersection of Yihuanlu Chengdu 610081 Discount Hotel Reservation
Jinjiang Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 The Jinjiang Hotel is situated in the heart of Chengdu, capital city of Sichuan. Overlooking the river JinJiang, the hotel is conveniently located 5 kilometres from the railway station and 17 kilometres from airport. It also provides easy access to busine 80 Renmin South Avenue 2nd Section, Chengdu Sichuan Discount Hotel Reservation
Luoman Grand Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 Luoman Grand Hotel Chengdu, situated in the commercial centre and entertainment district, is a standard business hotel. The hotel possesses 234 kinds of luxury rooms, all elegantly decorated and equipped with electronic locks. The Luoman Grand has Chinese No.22 Renminzhong Rd. Qingyang District Chengdu Discount Hotel Reservation
Minshan Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 The Minshan Hotel is located in the beautiful city centre of Chengdu. The hotel has 422 rooms, which are elegantly decorated and are equipped with air conditioning, television and telephone. The hotel offers variety of restaurants serving Sichuan, Cantone No. 17, Section 2, Ren Min Nan Ave, Chengdu Discount Hotel Reservation
Sheraton Lido Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 The Sheraton Chengdu Lido Hotel is located in the hub of Chengdu's central business district. It is at easy access to the famous Leshan Grand Buddha, Mt. Emei, Baoguang Temple and most importantly the Panda Research Base. A superb location, elegant and sp No. 15 Section 1, Ren Min Zhong Road Chengdu, Sichuan P.R. 610015 Discount Hotel Reservation
Sichuan Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 The Sichuan Hotel is located in the centre of the city, within short walking distance to central shopping district of Chengdu. The 159 spacious and tastefully appointed guest rooms at the hotel offer guests a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Ji Wei C 31 Zongfu Street, Chengdu 610016 Discount Hotel Reservation
Sofitel Wanda Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 Situated along the Funan River, Sofitel Wanda Hotel Chengdu is only 15 minutes from Central Square and the commercial hub. The hotel offers 262 elegantly appointed rooms and suites with numerous facilities. The various restaurants at the hotel cater to ma 15 Binjiang Middle Road, Sichuan Chengdu, 610016 Discount Hotel Reservation
Tibet Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 Located in the city of Chengdu, the Tibet Hotel is an ideal place for guests to reside. The hotel is regarded as the bridge to ridge of the world. Not only the construction feature and the fitment style but also the culture connotation synthesizes the mod 10 Renmin North Road Jinniu District Chengdu Discount Hotel Reservation
Water Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 The Water Hotel Chengdu is conveniently located in downtown, within walking distance to the central shopping area of the city. All guestrooms are spacious and well furnished with a host of modern amenities including mini bar and trouser press. Enjoy dinin 53-57 Tai Sheng South Road, Chengdu, Sichuan Discount Hotel Reservation
Xin Hua International Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 当ホテルはこじんまりした通りの角に位置しています。近くには主要道路があります。空港へは15キロ、駅へは5キロです。お部屋は大きく、モダンな家具が置かれたシンプルな内装になっています。 8 Gu Zhing Si Street Chengu, Sichuan Discount Hotel Reservation
Xin Liang Hotel Chengdu 成都(セイト) 中国 当ホテルは市内中心に位置していて、ショッピングエリアへは徒歩でアクセスできます。客室は広々としており、モダンな家具が揃っています。Bai Hua Yuan Chineseレストランでは地元料理をはじめ、美味しいお食事がお楽しみいただけます。ゲストの方々にはエンターテインメントプログラムをご用意しているため、楽しくお楽しみいただけます。ホテル内には喫茶店もあり、アフタヌーンティーを楽しんだり、友達と会うにも理想的なところです。 53 Upper East Avenue Chengdu, Sichuan Discount Hotel Reservation
Grand Sun Hotel Dunhuang 敦煌(トンコウ) 中国 The Grand Sun Hotel Dunhuang is located in a slightly remote part of town and is a quiet and comfortable place to relax after exploring Dunhuang's treasure. This property is just a few minutes drive from north of Dunhuang's main roundabout. The Grand Sun 5 Shazhou North Road, Dunhuang Discount Hotel Reservation
Silk Road Dunhuang Hotel 敦煌(トンコウ) 中国 Situated against the backdrop of the picturesque Mingsha Sand Dunes, Silk Road Dunhuang Hotel is a convenient 25-minute drive from the airport. The hotel captures the spirit of the Tang Dynasty with its unique architectural design. The Mogao Grottoes, Cre Dunyuet Road Dunhuang Gansu Discount Hotel Reservation
Bank Hotel Kunming 昆明 中国 Located in the centre of the city, the Bank Hotel Kunming is at the intersection of Youth Road and Ji Bi Road near Pan Long River and is just a 15-minute from the Kunming International Airport. The hotel has 285 spacious and well-furnished guest rooms, ea 399 Youth Road, Kunming Yunnan Province 650011 Discount Hotel Reservation
Golden Dragon Hotel 昆明 中国 The first joint venture hotel in Yunnan Province, Golden Dragon Kunming offers comfortable and pleasant facilities. The hotel boasts 290 well-furnished and elegant guest rooms that are unique and provide you with all the comforts. At the on-site there are 575 Beijing Road Kunming Discount Hotel Reservation
Green Lake Hotel Kunming 昆明 中国 Situated in the heart of Kunming's business and finance district, the Green Lake Hotel is perfectly positioned for business and leisure travellers. Located close to the Green Lake Park, the property is minutes away from the city's cultural spots, governme 6 South Cui Hu Road Kunming Discount Hotel Reservation
Kai Wah Plaza International Hotel Kunming 昆明 中国 The Kai Wah Plaza International Hotel is located in the city centre of Kunming-the Spring City of China. The property offers spectacular views of both the city and surrounding mountains. Located only 15minutes from Kunming International Airport, the hotel 157 Beijing Road Kunming Discount Hotel Reservation
New Era Hotel Kunming 昆明 中国 Strategically set in the busy commercial district of Kunming City, the New Era Hotel is located along Dong Feng West Road. You are sure to find a variety of guest rooms to fit your needs. All the rooms are decorated either in contemporary or traditional s 99 Dong Feng West Road Kunming Discount Hotel Reservation
Sakura Hotel Kunming 昆明 中国 Located in the heart of the city, Sakura Hotel Kunming is just 10 minutes away from the airport. Surrounded by major shopping and business areas, the hotel is quite convenient for both business and leisure travellers alike. The hotel features 253 well-app 25 Dong Feng East Road Kunming Discount Hotel Reservation
Best Western Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 The Best western Hotel Hangzhou is located in downtown, only several minutes drive to the famous West Lake. The hotel has 228 elegantly decorated rooms providing a warm feeling of comfort. You can dine at the restaurants that serve both Chinese and Wester No.511 Muogan Shan Road, Xihu District Discount Hotel Reservation
Continental Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 当ホテルは市内に商業・金融地域に位置していて、有名な西湖へはわずかの距離です。客室は380室あり、趣味のよい快適な空間で、5つ星ホテルとしての優れた設備が揃っています。ロビーは広々と趣味の良い内装になっていて、リラックスしてお過ごしいただけます。Cafe Chinoisではシンプルな西洋料理やバラエティー豊かなお飲み物をご用意しており、ウェスタンレストランでは美味しい広東料理や西洋料理がお楽しみいただけます。ローズバーはブリューしたてのビールが飲めることで有名です。ホテル内には会議・結婚式・宴会にご利用い 2 Pinghai Road Hangzhou 310006 Discount Hotel Reservation
Eastern Business Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 The Eastern Commerce Hotel Hangzhou is located at the bank of the famous West Lake and at the foot of the Baochu Pagoda. It is only five minutes from the city's business district and ten minutes from the railway station.The hotel’s rooms are spacious, wel 3 Baochu Road Hangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Enjoyor Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 The Enjoyor Hotel Hangzhou is located on one of the most thriving streets in Hangzhou-Qingchun Road. It is only five minutes drive from the railway station and the beautiful West Lake is only a stones throw away. The hotel has 177 guestrooms and suites, w 65 Qingchun Road Hangzhou 310009 Discount Hotel Reservation
Hangzhou Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 Conveniently located at the southern part of Wulin Square, the Hangzhou Hotel is just 500 metres away from the well-known West Lake. The property is an ideal place for you to stay when you visit Hangzhou for sightseeing, business meeting, vacation or shop 546 Yanan Road Hangzhou, Zhejiang Discount Hotel Reservation
Holiday Inn Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 Holiday Inn Hotel Hangzhou is located at the cross-junction of Fengqi and North Jianguo Road, slated as Hangzhou's business centre. It is just 25 kilometres from Xiaoshan International Airport, 3 kilometres from Hangzhou Train Station and five minutes rid 289 Jianguo Bei Rd Hangzhou 310014 Discount Hotel Reservation
Howard Johnson Oriental Hotel Zhejiang 杭州 中国 Located close to the entrance of the highway, the Howard Johnson Oriental Hotel Zhejiang is 2 kilometres from Wulinmen Commercial Area and 30 minutes from Xiaoshan International Airport. Situated 4 kilometres from the West Lake Area, the hotel has 239 ro 288 Gengshan West Road Jianggan Area, Hangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
International Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 Hangzhou International Hotel, near the beautiful west lake, is located to the south of Wuling Square, which is municipal centre of finance, culture and social activities. It is a comprehensive hotel featuring accommodation, food and beverage, shopping and 333 Tiyuchang Rd Hangzhou 310006 Discount Hotel Reservation
Lily Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 The Hangzhou Lily Hotel is located on the edge of Hangzhou's famous West Lake. The hotel is an ideal place for business travellers as it provides luxury guestrooms, offices, unique restaurants, spacious and elegant banquet halls along with complete health 45 Shuguang Road Hangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Radisson Plaza Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 当ホテルは杭州のビジネス・ショッピング地域の中に位置しています。すぐ近くには時の流れを忘れるほどきれいな西湖があります。客室とスイートはきれいで、284室あります。全室共にきれいで広々としています。ホテルの最上階からは杭州の素敵な景色を眺めることができ、ホテル内ではジャズの生演奏がお楽しみいただけます。ホテル内には宴会・カンファレンス設備が備わっていて、最新式のオーディオビジュアルテクノロジーがご利用いただけます。また優れたヨーロッパ料理や、カジュアルな雰囲気のブラッセリ料理などもお楽しみいただけます。 Radisson Plaza Hotel Hangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Redstar Culture Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 Redstar Culture Hotel is located at the most prosperous area near Hangzhou Railway Station Square, the hub of business areas and culture centres. It is as well only 3 minutes drive to the beautiful West Lake. Rooms at Redstar Culture are large in size and 280 Jianguo Road South, Shangchen District Hangzhou 310009 Discount Hotel Reservation
Regal Plaza Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 Located near West Lake, Regal Plaza Hotel Hangzhou is about 10 minutes drive from the railway station. This 23-storey hotel provides a total of 308 guestrooms, which are equipped with a host of amenities. Guests can dine at the onsite Chinese restaurant No.370 Tiyuchang Road Xiacheng District Hangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Shangri-La Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 当ホテルは有名な西湖のほとりの北に位置しています。繁華街へは5分です。豊かな緑が広がる40エーカーもの丘に建っていて、ホテルからはSolitary Hill IslandやXiling橋が見えます。客室は383室あり、趣味の良い内装になっていて、この上なく快適にリラックスしてプライベートな時間がお過ごしいただけるようになっています。ホテルない にはレストランが3軒あり、地元料理や西洋料理がお楽しみいただけます。また喫茶店やロビーバーやアメリカンバー、そしてガーデンラウンジ沿いのカフェなどもあります。 78 Beishan Road, Hangzhou 310007 Discount Hotel Reservation
Sofitel Westlake Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 当ホテルの隣りには中国で最も有名な観光地の西湖があります。近くにはビジネス中心街があります。客室は200室あり、エレガントな調度品が置かれていて、フレンチモダンなデザインが中国の伝統と見事なハーモニーをかもし出しています。 ホテル内のバーは静かでリラックスできる環境で、ワインのグラスを片手にタバコをお楽しみいただけます。会議室は5室あり、充実した設備が揃っています。ビジネスでもレジャーでもご利用いただけ、リラックスした休暇をお過ごしになることができます。 333 Westlake Avenue Hangzhou Zhejiang Province, 310002 Discount Hotel Reservation
Sunny Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 Sunny Hotel is conveniently located in the heart of city's commercial and financial district. It is situated close to the railway station and the West Lake. All the 300 rooms at Sunny are large on average and are well decorated. Restaurants here are well 88 Jiefang Rd Hangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Wanghu Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 The Wanghu Hotel Hangzhou is conveniently located just a few steps away from the beautiful West Lake. Situated in the downtown area, the hotel is only a few minutes drive to both the railway station and the airport. There are 345 elegant and comfortable r 2 West Huancheng Road, Hangzhou 310006 Discount Hotel Reservation
World Trade Center Grand Hangzhou 杭州 中国 Located in the city centre, the World Trade Center Grand Hangzhou is set right at the cross junction of Shuguang Road and the Hangda Road. It is close to the West Lake and within walking distance to the shopping mall on Yian'an Road. The hotel has 337 lar 15 Shuguang Road, Hangzhou 310007 Discount Hotel Reservation
Xinqiao Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 Situated adjacent to the beautiful West Lake, the Xinqiao Hotel Hangzhou is very close to the Liberation Road Marketplace Building. It is just 2 kilometres from the railway station, 12 kilometres from the airport and 5 kilometres from the ferry pier. The 226 Jie Fang Road Hangzhou 310001 Discount Hotel Reservation
Zhejiang Grand Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 The Zhejiang Grand Hotel is ideally located in the southern part of Wulin plaza, it occupies a prime location in Hangzhou flourishing business district. West Lake scenic area, governmental institutions, extensive shopping and entertainment facilities are 595 Yanan Road, Hangzhou 310006 Discount Hotel Reservation
Zhejiang International Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 The Zhejiang International Hotel Hangzhou is located in the heart of the commercial district and is within walking distance to Hangzhou Silk Market and Zhejiang Provincial Gym. The hotel is at the junction of Tiyuchang Road and Zhonghe Viaduct as well as 221 Tijuchang Road Hangzhou 310003 Discount Hotel Reservation
Zhi Jiang Hotel Hangzhou 杭州 中国 Zhi Jiang Hotel Hangzhou is situated on Moganshan Road and enjoys convenient transportations and a good geographic position. The newly built City Government Building is to the south, Hangzou Canal in the east and the State High and New Technology Industri No 188-200, Moganshan Road Hangzhou Discount Hotel Reservation
Dongguan Deluxe Hotel 東莞(トンコワン) 中国 Dongguan Deluxe Hotel is located at a very convenient place on Guanzhang Road in Dalang Town. Together with modern features and advanced management methods, the hotel provides high quality services to all its guests. With beautiful scenery and surrounded 1 DunHuang District DaLang Town Dongguan Discount Hotel Reservation
Grand Noble Hotel Dongguan 東莞(トンコワン) 中国 Grand Noble Hotel Dongguan is located in the centre of Humen, close to the highways, which lead to Guangzhou, Zhuhai and the Hong Kong. The hotel boasts 248 air-conditioned guest rooms with a distinct baroque classical architecture. Guests are offered a v Gangkou Avenue Humen Town, Dongguan GuangDong Discount Hotel Reservation
Hotel Silverland Dongguan 東莞(トンコワン) 中国 Conveniently located at Yinfeng Road, Guantai highway, the Hotel Silverland Dongguan is only a 20-minute drive from Taiping Harbor while the Guangzhou and Shenzhen airports are 40 minutes drive away. The hotel has 333 superbly appointed guest rooms and su No. 48 Guantai Road Dongguan Discount Hotel Reservation
Jia Hua Grand Hotel Dongguan 東莞(トンコワン) 中国 The Jia Hua Grand Hotel is situated in Houjie Town, at a 15-minute drive from Dongguan. An award winning hotel, Jia Hua Grand boasts 576 well-appointed guestrooms and suites. The Executive Floor of the hotel specifically caters to business travellers, wit Entrance Of Furiture Boulevard Dongguan Discount Hotel Reservation
Overseas Chinese Hotel Dongguan 東莞(トンコワン) 中国 Located in the city of Dongguan, the Overseas Chinese Hotel has comfortable and well-furnished guestrooms and suites, equipped with a host of modern amenities. Enjoy a drink at the bar and dine at the on-site restaurant, which serves a variety of delicaci Yunhe West 1 Road Discount Hotel Reservation
Sheraton Dongguan Hotel 東莞(トンコワン) 中国 Centrally located in Dongguan's bustling Hou Jie district, Sheraton Dongguan Hotel is the region's most opulent address for business, entertaining, and shopping pleasures. Whether you are coordinating an important business gathering, attending a conferenc S256 Provincial Highway Houjie Town Dongguan City Guangdong Province 523962 Discount Hotel Reservation
Sofitel Royal Hotel Dongguan 東莞(トンコワン) 中国 Sofitel Royal Lagoon Hotel is Dongguan's most luxurious hotel. The hotel's excellent location highlights its unique concept of a combined city and resort hotel. The elegant dining, meeting and leisure facilities and the dedicated staff provide the ultimat 8 Ying Bin Road Dong Cheng District Guangdong Province Discount Hotel Reservation
Bravo Hotel Guilin 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 The Bravo Hotel Guilin is conveniently located near the city centre on the Banyan Lake Promenade, just 30 minutes from the Guilin International Airport. The hotel has 268 tastefully decorated rooms and suites with fully equipped amenities. Other services 14 South Ronghu Road Guilin 541002 Discount Hotel Reservation
Gui Shan Hotel Guilin 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 The Gui Shan Hotel is only a few minutes drive from city centre, surrounded by Lijiang River, facing the Seven Star Cave and behind the Elephant Trunk Hill. The hotel has rooms and suits that are medium in size, equipped with satellite TV, telephone and o 1 Ghuan Shan Road, Guilin Discount Hotel Reservation
Guilin Plaza Hotel 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 The Guilin Plaza Hotel is located on the bank of Linjiang River and is only a 30-minute drive from the airport. The hotel offers comfortable and spacious guest rooms to make your stay a memorable one. The in-house Chinese restaurant specialises in Cantone 20 Lijiang Road Qixing District Guilin Discount Hotel Reservation
Guilin Royal Garden Hotel 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 Located on the east bank of the tranquil Lijiang River, the Guilin Royal Garden Hotel is opposite the famous Wave Subduing Hill. The hotel is just a 10-minute walk from the downtown area and a 40-minute drive from the international airport in Guilin. Gu No.186-1, Linjiang Road Qixing District, Guilin Discount Hotel Reservation
New Century Hotel Yangshuo 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 The New Century Yangshuo is a deluxe hotel situated in the city centre near the Yangshuo Park. The hotel offers 136 air-conditioned and well appointed guest rooms that are facilitated with a host of modern amenities. Guests can dine at the Green Lotus Chi Near Yangshuo Park Guangxi, Guilin Discount Hotel Reservation
Osmanthus Hotel Guilan 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 The Osmanthus Hotel is located in the heart of Guilan city, along the Peach-Blossom River bank. Its central location makes it convenient for the guests to visit the business districts and scenery spots in the city. The comfortable guestrooms at the hotel 77 Zhongshan Nan Road Guilin Discount Hotel Reservation
Paradise Yangshuo Resort Guilin 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 Paradise Yangshuo Resort is situated in the centre of scenic Yangshuo Town, next to the world famous West Street. This exquisite resort with traditional Chinese landscaping lets you to enjoy the natural splendour, in a unique and luxurious lake front sett 116 West Street Yangshuo Guilin 541900 Discount Hotel Reservation
Park Hotel Guilin 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 Park Hotel Guilin is located on the banks of the picturesque Gui Lake, in front of the Laoren Hill. Commanding the most picturesque views in Guilin and contrasting finely with the famous Duxiu Peak, Diecai Hill and Fubo Hill, the property combines modern No. 1 Lousishan Road Diecai District Beijing Discount Hotel Reservation
Plaza Hotel Guilin 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 Guilin Plaza Hotel is located in the heart of the city, just 1 kilometre from the town centre. It is as well 40 kilometres from the airport and 1 kilometre from the railway station. There are 270 contemporary rooms all well equipped keeping in mind the de 20 Li Jiang Road, Guilin, Guangxi 541004 Discount Hotel Reservation
Royal Garden Hotel Guilin 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 Located directly on the east bank of the tranquil Lijiang River, the Royal Garden Hotel Guilin offers an unparalleled setting, services and facilities meeting with international standards. The hotel features 335 luxurious guestrooms with each of them havi NO.186-1 Linjiang Road Guilin, Guangxi Discount Hotel Reservation
Sheraton Guilin Hotel 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 In the heart of the enchanting city Guangxi, the Sheraton Guilin Hotel is ideally situated alongside the Li River. Just beyond the door of the hotel lies a myriad of dining and touring pleasures. Enjoy Guilin's rich architectural heritage such as the Guil Bin Jiang Nan Road, Guilin, Guangxi 541001 PRC Discount Hotel Reservation
Universal Hotel Guilin 桂林(ケイリン) 中国 The Universal Hotel Guilin is set alongside the famous Li River in the downtown area of Guilin. Most of the tourist hot spots, local markets and shopping arcades are all within walking distance. All the 230 rooms at the hotel contain modern facilities and 1 Jiefangdong Road Guangxi, Guilin Discount Hotel Reservation
Ramada Wuyishan 武夷山(ブイサン) 中国 Situated close to the city centre, the Ramada Wuyishan is positioned within the National Tourist Area, which is famous for the scenery of mountains, rivers and its tea products. Local attractions include the Roaring Tiger Rock and the Wuyi Palace. The hot Country Tourism District Fujian, Wuyishan Discount Hotel Reservation
Best Western C-bank Hotel Wuhan 武漢(ブカン) 中国 The Best Western C-bank Hotel Wuhan is conveniently situated in the central business area, which possesses about 20 banks. The hotel is next to City Library, Real Estate Dealing Hall and City Television Station. Located 25 minutes from Wuhan Tianhe Airpor No. 933 Jianshe Avenue Hankou, Wuhan Discount Hotel Reservation
Best Western Premier Mayflowers Hotel Wuhan 武漢(ブカン) 中国 The Best Western Premier Mayflowers Hotel Wuhan is located in the downtown Wuchang. The hotel has convenient access to business, government organizations and universities. Nearby attractions include the East Lake, Yellow Crane Tower and River Bund. The ho No. 385 Wuluo Road Wuchang Wuhan 430070 Discount Hotel Reservation
Holiday Inn Riverside Wuhan 武漢(ブカン) 中国 Holiday Inn Riverside Wuhan is situated in the heart of the city, on the banks of the Yangtze River. Just 5 minutes away from the city centre and 40 minutes from the Tianhe International Airport, the hotel is an ideal place for both business and leisure t 88 Xi Ma Chang Street Hanyang, Wuhan Hubei 430050 Discount Hotel Reservation
Holiday Inn Tian An Wuhan 武漢(ブカン) 中国 Holiday Inn Tian An Wuhan is conveniently located in the city's commercial, shopping and entertainment district. The hotel is 27 kilometres from Tian He International Airport and 5 kilometres from Han Kou Railway Station. The Hotel offers 500 well-appoint 868 Jie Fang Da Dao Wuhan, 430022 Discount Hotel Reservation
Novotel Xin Hua Hotel Wuhan 武漢(ブカン) 中国 当ホテルはHankouに位置しており、近くにはしないのビジネス・金融街があります。すぐ隣りにはニューワールドの建物やデパートがあります。各部屋には最新式の設備と家具が揃っています。 モダンなブラジル料理やインターナショナルなお料理を、カジュアルでリラックスした雰囲気の中でお取りいただけます。落ち着いた快適なラウンジではドリンクがお楽しみいただけます。 558 Jian She Avenue, Hankou District, Wuhan 4300022 Discount Hotel Reservation
Ramada Tian Lu Plaza Wuhan 武漢(ブカン) 中国 The Ramada Tian Lu Plaza Wuhan is located within the Hankou business and commercial district, and is adjacent to the 150 acres Fountain Amusement Park. The Wuhan International Airport is 25 minutes away. The Ramada Hotel, with 145 guest rooms and the exce No. 5 Youth Road Hubei, Wuhan Discount Hotel Reservation
Swiss-Belhotel on the Park Wuhan 武漢(ブカン) 中国 The Swiss-Belhotel on the Park is ideally located next to the popular fountain park in Wuhan city, and 5 minutes from the international exhibition and convention centre. Just 15 minutes from Hankou Railway Station, the hotel lies 30 minutes from the Tian 9 Taibei Yi Lu Hubei Province Wuhan 430015 Discount Hotel Reservation
Wuhan Asia Hotel 武漢(ブカン) 中国 Wuhan Asia Hotel is strategically situated in the centre of the prosperous and pioneering business district of Hankou. Conveniently situated with excellent transport link, the hotel is within walking distance to Wuhan International convention and Exhibiti 616 Liberaton Avenue Discount Hotel Reservation
Golden Gulf Hotel Shantou 汕頭(セントウ) 中国 The Golden Gulf Hotel is situated in the southeast of Yingbin Square, the most prosperous commercial and financial district of Shantou. The transportation in the area is very convenient, with an ideal access to the airport, railway station and the Gulf Br 96 Jinsha Road Shantou Guangdong Discount Hotel Reservation
Longhu Shantou 汕頭(セントウ) 中国 Longhu Shantou Hotel is ideally positioned in the west of Longhu district and within walking distance of government, financial and commercial buildings. The hotel interior creates an atmosphere of traditional Chinese-garden style, offering guests the conv Ying Bin Lu, Shantou Guangdong Discount Hotel Reservation
Regency Hotel Shantou 汕頭(セントウ) 中国 The Regency Hotel Shantou has been built especially to meet the burgeoning needs of travellers. With its luxuriously appointed rooms, most of which enjoy a harbour view, its contemporary furnishings, international standard amenities and its superior perso Jinsha Road East Shantou Discount Hotel Reservation
Shantou International Hotel 汕頭(セントウ) 中国 Located at the heart of the special economic zone, Shantou International Hotel is a mere 20 minutes drive from here. The Shantou entertainment complex, banks, department stores and industrial centre are close by. Shantou International offers 350 tastefull Jin Sha Lu, Shantou Guangdong Discount Hotel Reservation
Celeste Palace Hotel Jiangmen 江門(コウモン) 中国 Overlooking the enchanting scenery of the East Lake Park, the Celeste Palace Hotel Jiangmen is a harmonious blend of prestigious location, refined elegance and attentive service. Luxurious, tranquil haven of comfort, right in the heart of Jiangmen, the ho 22 Guangkou Road Jiangmen Guangdong Discount Hotel Reservation
Meritus Mandarin Haikou 海南(カイナン) 中国 Located in the financial district of Hainan's capital, the Meritus Mandarin Haikou combines modern facilities with Asian hospitality. The hotel is just 30 minutes drive from the Meilan Airport and is conveniently located near the beaches and historical si 18 Wen Hua Lu Haikou 570105 Hainan Discount Hotel Reservation
Sofitel Boao Hotel Hainan 海南(カイナン) 中国 Sofitel Boao Hotel is ideally situated by the Wanquan River estuary at Boao, on the central eastern coast of the Hainan island province of China. The hotel offers 437 comfortable rooms that are equipped with numerous amenities. The uncompromising level of Dong Yu Island, Boao 571434 Hainan Province Discount Hotel Reservation

Hotel-Navi ホテル 予約
Parking-Navi 駐車場ガイド
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